
What does redbull do?

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I was wondering how long redbull will give me energy and after that do i tottally lose all energy? Ive never had an energy drink, i no im weird. I wanted to take one before gymnastics but like in the middle of practice will i totally shut down?




  1. It gives you wings then chops them off in mid fllight.  You will crash hard.

  2. it does make you hyper but if you are afraid of the crash then drink another about two hours later

    ***beware it might dehydrate you and make you pee more so drink lots of water***

  3. i drink energy drinks and they dont work for me..they only make me not able to sleep cuz of caffiene but it doesnt make me have an energy spaz or something

  4. Red Bull increases risk of stroke, heart attack: study


    Published: Saturday, August 16, 2008

    CANBERRA - Just one can of the popular stimulant energy drink Red Bull can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, even in young people, Australian medical researchers said on yesterday.

    The caffeine-loaded beverage, popular with university students and adrenalin sport fans to give them "wings," caused the blood to become sticky, a pre-cursor to cardiovascular problems such as stroke.

    "One hour after they drank Red Bull, (their blood systems) were no longer normal. They were abnormal like we would expect in a patient with cardiovascular disease," Scott Willoughby, lead researcher from the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, told the Australian newspaper.

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    Font:****Red Bull Australia spokeswoman Linda Rychter said the report would be assessed by the company's head office in Austria.

    "The study does not show effects which would go beyond that of drinking a cup of coffee. Therefore, the reported results were to be expected and lie within the normal physiological range," Ms. Rychter told Reuters.

    Mr. Willoughby and his team tested the cardiovascular systems of 30 young adults one hour before and one hour after consuming one 250ml can of sugar-free Red Bull.

    The results showed "normal people develop symptoms normally associated with cardiovascular disease" after consuming the drink.

    © The Ottawa Citizen 2008

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