
What does rolling my lawn do for it what purpose does it serve????

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What does rolling my lawn do for it what purpose does it serve????




  1. umm i have no idea sounds silly to me like just another thing someone can make money off u for

  2. Rolling the lawn helps to level it out. If you have some high spots or low places, it will flatten the out. My step father had one made from concrete. I had to pull it all over the lawn. Hated it. You can rent them. They can be filled with water to produce the weight. Also used when sodding your lawn. It will push the sod down into the soil so it can get a good root start.

  3. Depending on where you live, most people roll their lawn in the spring when the ground is still pretty soft to help flatten and level the ground.  Problem is that it has a tendency to cause a lot of compaction in the soil which can cause lots of problems to the turf in the long run.  If it is something that you choose to do, make sure that you also aerate the lawn at least once a year to help relieve some of the compaction.

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