
What does running mean to you?

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Can you explain what running means to you? Why you do it? What makes you love it so much?




  1. running to me is fun, because i do it in track and field, do the 800m and the 1500m, and there is nothing better than to set a new record in my own personnal times, or even better, winning a medal... also, scientists have done extensive reserach and they have discovered that when running for a long time, the brain realeses hormones in the body that make you feel good and better about yourself.. in other words, you get srot of drugged up naturally and it has no negative side effects.. oh yeah and you get in better shape and lose a lot of weight.

  2. One day I was practicing. I was really tired, I fell in exhaustion. I knew I had to stay strong and get back up. I got back on my feet gained wind and pulled through to finish the feeling in the world.

  3. wow i love running! nothing can compare to it! its a great feeling when you're running down the last stretch and you see the colored flags and everyone is cheering for you. you feel the adrenaline rush and you fly by everyone else. when you cross the finish line and receive your prize its like nothing else. you did wat you never thought you could never do. you made it. running just feels amazing its like you're flying. you watch the trees and people and ground fly by you. it just gives you an amazing feeling that nothing can compare. running is an amazing and wonderful sport. you get this runners high that is like no else. you feel like nothing can touch you or stop you. and as a plus you get in the best shape of your life and lose lots of weight. its SOOO amazing :D

  4. to me running is me testing myself. for example the best feeling ever is when you finish a half-marathon i am 14 and i have already ran 5 half-marathons. i run because i no i am only helping myself. and i love it so much because of the results it gives me

  5. I want to just answer this question with simple..

    running= love.

    my first true love for that matter hahahha.

    running= life.

    and since im not religious

    running= god.

    running is just...unbelievable as you know. But it's like..once you've broken that barrier of what you thought you could do, and then what you CAN's like nothing is impossible. And not just running. You find more than just physical strength, you get this mental strength thats so incredible.

    i havent run for 8 weeks due to a stress fracture (from running, haha but it was worth it) and the entire time it was like withdrawl. but all this work that ive done to get to this point, im not worried about what shape ill be in. if ive learned anything, its to never give up. one more mile, always.


    running is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  6. i think it means SO much to me because of the feeling i get when and after i'm done running... its like NOTHING can touch you! its an amazing feeling its like one of my favorite races the 3200 relay... ur running in the 4th runner and everyone is cheering for u... you are about to pass the person in first you pass them u pick up speed everyone is cheering u sprint in.. in first and ur team has they're best times ever its just accomplishment its an awesome feeling u feel on the world! and well this isn't much but it makes you healthier! its like you feel as if u are the best and nothing will get you down also just running with people is awesome

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