
What does sagittarius in end of house 6 mean?

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What does Neptune Sagittarius end of house 6 retrograde mean?




  1. Hello Racer

    Sagittarius is a fire mutable sign and thus, increases the basic vitality and energy on the 6th house. But, by being a dual sign, it weakens the thighs and upper legs.

    You want to work where the action is and also, Sagittarius usually provides a dual source of income, maybe working 2 jobs at the same time. This is a good position for anything related to travels.

    Neptune is not a hard worker in this position and inclined to be a little lazy. It also causes strange psychic diseases difficult to cure and strange sicknesses. Often, the illnesses are imaginary and an organic diet  is usually beneficial to this person.

    But  more often than not, this Neptune retrograde often brings a chronic sickness .

    Neptune is co-ruler on Sagittarius and by being retrograde, health problems have a way of reoccuring, much communication (both written and oral) is necessary before finding work, and travel though necessary will be hard on the nervous system.

    On another point, Neptune retrograde people are born sensing immediately what is expected  of them and proceed to act accordingly. It is a vert resourceful position in the accomplishment of tasks and the ability to be very helpful to others in need.


    Neptune, even a few degrees away from the 7th CUSP is not read as if it was in the 7th house BECAUSE THE PLANET IS IN RETROGRADE MOTION. That means it does not want to leave the 6th house and heading back inside.

  2. When a planet is at the end of a house that means its only a few degrees(1-3) from the next house cusp. Since Neptune is at the end of the sixth house it will be interpreted in the seventh.

    Neptune In Sagittarius

    Those born in this generation have the potential for realizing the higher levels of communicating in the areas of intellect, philosophy and religion on a planetary basis. They are infused with the vision of the rise of enlightenment in the realms of religion and philosophy, and the struggled to fine worldwide media for positive communication. On a personal level, it indicates the dilemma of expecting automatic emotional fulfilment to come from following a philosophy. It offers the choice of accepting or denying the commitment to rise above blind philosophical belief and reliance on others. Their opportunity for fulfilment lies in allowing personal experience in the real world to transform and expand their philosophical ideals.

    Neptune in House 7

    You have great awareness of others and are affected by them. There is a powerful connection in any relation ships you have.

    Neptune Rx

    * feels guilty inside and so ....

    * tends to blame themselves when things go wrong

    * super sensitive inside and so .....

    * puts on a tough skinned mask

    Neptune goes into retrograde five months out of every year, a time when a lack of boundaries, imagination, creativity and a desire to experience the pleasures of the moment can get the best of you as logic is set aside replaced by feelings and intuition. There is a tremendous amount of creative potential for you to achieve your dreams if you rise above your ego and focus your activities and compassion outward as well as inward.

    Neptune retrograde in your natal chart indicates that you could feel inhibited by the harsh realities of the physical world, choosing to spend a lot of time in your own imagination. Daydreams could replace active participation in life inhibiting your ability to realize your potentials in the areas of life represented by the house where Neptune is placed. Substance abuse can be triggered by a need to escape and you can fall prey to your own illusions if you don’t accept people as they are and use your sensitivity to let go of limitations as you stay connected to others.

  3. Sagittarius and Neptune on the 6th concerns sicknesses that will cause you to suffer from peculiar ailments ad stated from the poster above.

    The only thing i can add to this is tht great care should be taken when afflicted by any serious ill-health, to see that all your surroundings are harmonious and not likely to attract unhealthy and injurious conditions.

    The mind should be kept balanced.


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