
What does saturn in Scorpio conjunction with sun mean?

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What does saturn in Scorpio conjunction with sun mean?




  1. Hi Koshka

    This conjunction shows the Will uniting with consolidation. This can inspire the person to achieve prominence in the world, or it can be a strong depressive factor. A great deal depends on other planets in aspect to the conjunction. It does denote a person who takes life seriously and who should always seek to express through some cretive medium.

    This aspect is often referred to as 'the builder' aspect.

    The Sun with the ponderous Saturn will give you more power in life but at the same time,  you may be raised to power only to be brought to a fall, unless you can keep a humble spirit and not aim too high. You will have opportunities (Sun) to cope with the virtues of thrift, economy, patience (Saturn) etc… This aspect makes you cautious, and at times rather fearful and you should never allow yourself to become too reserved or dependent, or you may lose opportunities.

    The problem here is the Will or Desire nature is weak . By being weak, life can be unfortunate. The emotions are powerful in Scorpio and expect strong attachments and a big interest in occults.

    As for the regenerative influence of Scorpio, this combo is a very good influence, if not the best through suffering. Pain is the great teacher for all who have this configuration strong at birth. It gives the ability to probe secrets, to reason and analyze with shrewdness and penetration.

    This person can love give abundantly to those loved and where they hate, they hate successfully. You are not a weak character and can be very decisive, very determined.

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