
What does scholarly sources mean?

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some examples




  1. "Dr. Adam of the New World Institute insisted there was a snake there first."

    That is an example of quoting a 'scholarly source.'

    You just need to have citations from educated people (proven) or places of education (proven) or from natural prodigies (proven)... and all those 'proven's just mean you have to be able to cite the scholarly source with their credentials to show the source is scholarly.

    Look up 'scholar' if you're still wondering.

  2. That's a fancy-schmantsy way of saying that some academic with lots of letters after his name said such or so.  It's all about credentials.  If you do not have a degree in astronomy, then you cannot be deemed smart enough to see a new comet, or NEO.  Well, wait.  If you look up in the sky with a telescope and spot it first......

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