
What does seeing snake in 2 dreams mean? Plz read on...this interesting dream of mine..?

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I had this wried dream long time back where I was running and small snakes were falling on me. I was picking them from my face and body and throwing it away from me and running to escape them all at the same time. I was not hurt though.

Then some days later I saw a large huge snake in my dream.




  1. It means you should go see a shrink right away!

    Actually, all it means is that you simply had a dream about snakes. There's no hidden messages.

  2. it means that you are crazy lol

  3. I can't remember what they relate snakes to in dreams, but I think it pertains to fear of control.. I'm not really sure.

    To me, it's just a thing about how you are overwhelmed with something, and your next dream kinda signified it that it was seriously overwhelming and out of your control..

    I really dunno.

  4. Snakes are symbolic of different things.Snakes are often seen as symbols of life,death and rebirth. In North American tribes, the shedding of the snake's skin is associated with life and a new beginning. In writing about snake symbolism, Gillian Holloway, PhD wrote,"People who are dying or who have lost a loved one often dream of snakes,at or near the time of death. For whatever reason, these dreams seem involved with the psychic awareness of the transition from this life to the next..."

    Carl Jung talks about a similar connection between earth and heaven in his discussion on the snake as a symbol for medicine. In Man and His Symbols, he writes,"perhaps the commonest dream symbol of transcendence is the snake, as represented by the therapeutic symbol of the Roman god of medicine Aeseulapius, which has survived to modern times as a sign of the medical profession. This was originally a nonpoisonous tree snake;as we see it, coiled around the staff of the healing god, it seems to embody a kind of mediation between earth and heaven."

    Snakes are also seen as symbols representing evil. The Bible uses the symbol of the serpent in the Garden of Eden to represent Satan. In other case the snakes is seen as a phallic symbol

    Recurring dreams indicate a fear or an unresolved issue. One way to deal with the recurring dream of the snakes is to try lucid dreaming. This is when you become conscious in your dream and are aware that you are dreaming. If you are able to do this, then ask the snakes what it is they want and why you keep dreaming about them? If the snakes are hostile and you are afraid in the dream then face the snakes and master the situation in some way. Seeing the dream through to the end is important in overcoming it.

    You will have to look at your dream in its entire context and determine how you felt about the snakes in the dream.

    You will have to look at your dream in its entire context and determine how you felt about the snakes in the dream. You should also look at the other associations in the dream. You said they were in the backyard. Why were they in the backyard? What sort of association do you have with the backyard that might account for the snakes being there?

    I had a dream about two black snakes chasing me and one of them bit me then I woke up all sweaty. Could you tell me the significance of the snakes?

    It would depend on the association you had with the dream. Did you struggle with the snake or did it wither and die after it bit you? Gillian Holloway, Ph.D. identifies being bitten by a snake as meaning different things. She says, "In many dreams a single snake will come to bite you, and you may in fact be bitten after a brief struggle. To your amazement though, you will not die, and may find that the situation is not as bad as you thought." According to Holloway you have this kind of dream if you are struggling with some problem, relationship or challenge. "Such a snake-ordeal is an important signal that you are going through a kind of initiation; a psychological and spiritual trial that has the potential to change your life for the better if you deal with it bravely and with a clear heart. You may have to give up something you thought you couldn't, or take a stand for your principles or faith."

    If the snake withered and died after it bit you then it could be a dream of a sexual nature replicating the male o****m. Snakes can also indicate trouble in your life. It could mean that something is worrying you and needs to be resolved by you.

    I found your question interesting.

  5. So youre scared off snakes.. how scary..I dont like snakes lizards, etc.

    I think its just a nightmare. Next time this dream comes turn around and face them.. make sure you have snake repellant in the dream too.

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