
What does self respect mean to you?

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What does self respect mean to you?




  1. Being able to like myself as a person and know what is morally right from wrong. Feeling good about who we are...

  2. Self respect to me,Is, first of all, you must Love yourself...and your worth...Who you are and have become as a person...Once you learn to gain respect for yourself,your able to respect others. Honestly, think about it,How could you truly respect anyone if at first you don't respect yourself???

  3. Self respect is a obtained in the reflection of how I treat others.

  4. Self respect is  soo awesome, i have taken it to a science. I create database after database,   for  topic after topic, just to tweak my ability to cope with life. !

  5. Not hurting yourself (not smoking, etc) and not alllowing yourself to be hurt (by someone).

  6. Self-respect seems to be the medication prescribed for people who have “low self-esteem.”

    Many people lack confidence or esteem. Some were verbally abused as children; others have endured insults from a spouse, friend or boss. Whatever the reason, the person feels inferior to those around him.

    Many of the world's top psychologists, as well as other so-called experts, teach that in order to overcome this problem, one should learn to respect himself.

    These “experts” teach that respecting others is impossible without first learning to respect yourself.

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