
What does seroquel do?

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I know it's used to treat bipolar disorder.. but how does it treat it?




  1. Really it doesn't treat it at all, it just makes the bipolar feeling go away. Its shitt. if you ask me. It doesn't make you happy it makes you not have a good or bad feeling. Plus it makes you way to mellow and you have to sleep a lot.

  2. not only doe's it make you sleep it will also make you gain alot of weight!

  3. The way medications for mental disorders work are not clearly known. There is evidence that shows that it helps relieve symptoms by stabilizing mood through dopamine and seratonin antagonism. Basically it means that it helps the brain stabilize or balance out the neurotransmitters (the stuff that lets us do what we do and feel the way we feel).

  4. it knocks you the #$$@ out!

  5. Its a "new" or "atypical" antipsychotic.  

    What do you want to know about it?  

    You're right it's used for bipolar.  Also it's used for Schizophrenia and other psychotic deaseases.  Sometimes even for severe depression and OCD.

    I'm not a chemist, so HOW it works chemically speaking is a mystery to me.  Wierd as it sounds, they're not quite sure how seroquel works.[1]  Perhaps it Inhibits the Dopamine and Seratonin receptors in your brain. [2]

    I was diagnosed (incorrectly) with bi-polar and this is what they put me on seroquel.  I forget how much, perhaps like 200 mg's a day.  I'd take it before bed and then get super groggy and tired and fall asleep in no time.  It also increased my appetite and made me gain wait.  It was disgusting how much I wanted to eat---another reason why I hated it.

    (suposedly the more you take the less tired you get.  Wierd, but that's what I've been told by doctors.

    Strange, I typically like downers.  But I did not find taking Seroquel to be enjoyable.  It made me feel like a zombie.  A real wordsmith once aptly described it as "a real brain-buster" and I think he hit the nail on the head with that description.

    I found this to be unbearable.  Luckily, I was was soon told I had ADHD, and got to be on a drug thats much more fun to take, and that's adderal.

  6. Seroquel (quetiapine) treats the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

  7. nothing really just makes you lazy and gain alot of weight
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