
What does serrez-moi mean? (french to english)?

by  |  earlier

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I tried using an online translator, but it said it means "tighten me" which I feel like that can't be what it really means.




  1. hug me

  2. calib and Jenny's answers are correct.

  3. Hold me tight

  4. It indeed means "hold me tight" but it sounds very very strange to have "serrez-moi" on its own as we usually say "serrez-moi dans vos bras" (in you arms).

    And this form is the vouvoiement (form of respect for someone who is not a relative) as opposed to the tutoiement which implies you already know well the person or that he0she is the same age as you. In that case, the translation would be "sers-moi dans tes bras"

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