
What does s*x have to do with age? Some people were just overprotected in life, but please answer my question?

by  |  earlier

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Ok. I just published an earlier question on here: (and YAHOO, please don't say this is SOLICITATION. With all my due respect, i'm just doing a reference)

I'm just asking. btw. anyway. um: HOW much i guess does love have to do with romance? u know?

Anyway, thanks in advance!





  1. Agreed love does come before s*x and If you and the other person love one another to death, then s*x will be all the more enjoyable and magical for the two of you.

    Try and take it one step at a time, use common sense, play it safe and have fun !



  2. nowdays, not many people are overprotected.the internet lets everything all hang out.

  3. s*x has a lot to do with age, because you can be too young to do it (like 13) and too old (like 91). Sexual love has EVERYTHING to do with romance. And then your other question was about this guy that's in a hurry to get into your panties, right? Okay, you know, if you're not comfortable doing something, I would say, don't do it. Make out with a guy only if you really want to and with really want to I mean want to so bad that if you don't kiss him, your heart will explode, your knees will buckle under you and those million butterflies you have in your stomach will fly out your behind. s*x is not a mental exercise.  

  4. love should come before s*x.

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