
What does snow look like?

by  |  earlier

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It hasn't snowed hard(in Knoxville, TN) since 1995 and I've forgotten what it looks and feels like.




  1. Its pretty in the country, but slushy and muddy after it has been driven on.  When you see snow again, don't eat it if it is yellow.

  2. im sick of snow here lol. but here u go

  3. its white,cold,and the next step after hail.

  4. white and cold

  5. It looks like sugar, sometimes powder

  6. its white..and hard...for the most part...look in your

  7. It's white and cold and sometimes melts through your fingers. It makes a squeaky noise when your crunch it together to make a snow ball. =) i kinda forgot myself.

  8. White, cold and every-fricken-where.  I'm in Cleveland, OH...we got 24 inches last weekend.

    I'm JEALOUS!!  I wish I hadn't seen it since 95!

  9. really cold and so white that well if stared at it for a long time you would like get blkinde well not really

  10. its white and fluffy

    and melts in yer hand

    mmmm i love the snow

  11. flakey

  12. It looks white and fluffy & it's cold

  13. a snow cone machine oveflowed


    God dropped his sugar bowl


    I love you lord

  14. uh......i wouldn't know cause i've never seen snow in my life.

  15. its wet and fluffy

    though when you go outside the sun reflects off of it making ti seem bright

    it falls and looks kinda like cotton or cotton candy

    it tastest like cold water but its different in a way

    when you step in it its either nice and quiet or its crunchy when you sled down the hills you go fast and y ou get the snowflakes falling ! you should go and see it again sometime i hope you like my answer

  16. It looks like a white blanket on the ground. It is freezing cold for most of the winter because of it.. so you should feel lucky that you don't get any snow where you live!!

  17. snow is white, makes you want to stick your tongue out to touch it when it falls.

    it can be soft or hard when you roll it into a ball.

    its also freezing cold, and blinding when sun shines on it.

    you can throw it at people or build something nice like a snow man, igloo and even tunnels.

    you should come to toronto to see snow, we've gotten 5 snow storms this year, its freezing cold.

    this is what i see..

  18. like dandruff but bigger.

  19. white

  20. Go watch movies, you'll see how it looks like...or if you are too curious, go visit Alaska or some place where it snows...

  21. death

  22. White and freezing. Sometimes it's fluffy, sometimes it's packed down.

  23. Snow is a very cold, white, fluffy, thing. You can make snowmen and snowballs to throw at people!


  24. this is what snow looks like

    it's not exactly the picture of original snow but here's one that looks kind of like the real thing

  25. its beautfiul, white and fluffy, cold and fun......

  26. Like marshmellow and white cotton buds sprinkled with iridescent glitter, cold to the touch and crunchy beneath your feet, a blanket of white wonders ^^

    Or the snow I got before was mush...and kinda grey and almost hit my face x3 lol!

  27. It's white and very cold.


  28. Each flake is a hexagonal crystal of frozen water. No two flakes look alike. We just got 10" in Louisville, KY. :)

  29. it's white, and cold.

  30. Snow looks soft, hard, fluffy, granular, powdery, it sometimes falls in soft white fluffy flakes like feathers, cascading down and melting on contact with the ground.

    Sometimes its falls like small pieces of sand hitting you in the face, when the wind blows it.

    Other times it just sticks to your face and blows up into your nose and eyes and mouth.

    Often it falls down slowly for hours making this ssssssttt sound on the ground and when there's wind too it hits the side of your house and creates a sound like hard rain.

    When its really cold here in Quebec, Canada, you walk on snow that has frozen to concrete hardness, and it sounds as if you were walking on sheets of styrofoam, your boots making the snow squeak.

  31. well its really white an its really really cold well i hope yall can get snow some time soon or well like next year

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