
What does social justice and equity mean?

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I have looked through all the answers on this question previous and this is what i've come up with.

'Social justice means being entitled to the same rights and services as all other citizens, which obviously would be hard for someone that only earns $2 a week. Equity refers to fairness and providing people with equal rights and incomes, taking into consideration that people come from different cultures, backgrounds and so on. It is very similar to Social Justice.'

Can anyone tell me if that sounds correct?

It appeared that there is disputing opinions on this topic.

Thanks for any help.




  1. jaime seek for another s**y good looking girl

  2. Those answers are c**p, basically.

    Do your own research: have you ever Googled 'social justice' or 'social equity'? You'll be surprised at the many resources that ahow up when you do. Wikipedia will be one of those resources, and is 'usually' a reliable source.

    For one thing, social equity does NOT mean that everyone should be paid the same.

    Do some MEANINGFUL research, please. Getting answers like those is one of many reasons that YA should be the LAST place to look for an answer, at least in this particular case.

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