
What does society really think of black people?

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What does society really think of black people?




  1. this is a very race based question that will generate generalizations on race as a basis for behavior. Black is a color not a behavior....think african black versus african american black think white african versus white american. Are any of these groupings truly necessary?

  2. I agree w/ Nick_NYG I don't mind what race people are either but I don't know how other people feel.

  3. I personaly dont care what race a person is. However every black person iv met automatically thinks im racest because im white, which in turn makes them act defensively (and to be quite honest some times offensively!!)  I dont blame all blacks,  NEWS FLASH BLACK PEOPLE   prejudices ended a long time time ago...          get over it

  4. No one person can speak for society. I am one person who could not care less about what race someone is.

  5. It's a never ending war. Never will whites and blacks be socially or societly equal. Some whites will always think they are better than black either just because they want to think that and use a dumb way of attaining power or they find something seriously wrong with blacks.

    Blacks will always think they are better because they feel the need to rise up and prove that they are stronger and have been wrongfully oppressed, which is true, but the ways exerted by them trying to prove their point is even more wrong.

    Moral of the story, whites are dumb, blacks are dumb, people are stupid and will never change. Sad story, but that's the yway it is unfortunately.

  6. One thing I've really noticed in my life is how much racism is hidden. Almost everyone I know has shameful, hidden feelings about one race or another, yet they don't feel comfortable expressing these feelings. I've seen this occur at work, home, school, and randomly in the streets.

    There's really no accurate way to gauge how an entire society feels about any particular race unless that society has chosen to make an official stance on it known...

    Personally, I don't form a biased opinion based on race... but I do form biased opinions on what people wear and say. This may seem wrong... but what a person chooses to wear and say says quite a bit about them in my opinion. I don't treat anyone poorly based on these biased opinions, but the opinions are there none-the-less.

  7. I don't think "society" agrees on anything and no one should think anything of any person based on their skin pigmentation.

    Every person is an individual no matter their color, religion, natationality, etc.  Do you really think that society should form an opinion of "black" people as a group?  Positive or negative such an opion would be racist.  

    (In case you are wondering why I put black in paranthesis its because I hate describing people as black or white.  A piece of paper is white, asphalt is black and I don't know any people that are either color.)

  8. there are many different people that think different things. I personally have nothing against African American people. I have many close friends that are African American. They are trustworthy and honest, just as anybody.

    But I have noticed that society does treat African American actresses differently. They are paid much less and are less likely to get a role. I was watching Tyra Banks, and that's what I remember.

    But depending on the region, most are accepted as a normal person.

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