
What does taking the oil out of our earth do to our earth???

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What does taking the oil out of our earth do to our earth???




  1. It makes it hungry for more.

  2. Geologically the impact of extracting oil is rather insignificant.  Probably about the same as moving 1 or 2 mountains somewhere else.  It probably causes some sinkholes here and there, and you could get some issues with the water supply flowing in to where the oil used to be that was extracted.

    For impact on the surface of the earth, much much worse than oil extraction has ever been is shale oil extraction projects going on in Canada, where huge areas of wildlife are completely bulldozed over so some petroleum can be inefficiently extracted.  Extremely destructive and desparate - humans really need some alternative energy sources very soon.

  3. Without the oil between the rock sheets, there will be massive friction, causing global warming, the creation of new mountains on a scale not yet seen. possibly the end of life as we know it, and even the end of the world

  4. The oil taken out of the earth is burnt to emit carbon dioxide in atmosphere and global warming will increase.

  5. will probably make the earth more greener and also inconvinient

  6. Taking oil from the Earth really doesn't do anything to our planet, in and of itself; however, oil extraction is can sometimes environmentally damaging due to human error. Dr. John Hunt of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution pointed out in a 1981 paper that over 70% of the reserves in the world are associated with visible macroseepages, and many oil fields are found due to natural seeps. Offshore exploration and extraction of oil disturbs the surrounding marine environment. Extraction may involve dredging, which stirs up the seabed, killing the sea plants that marine creatures need to survive. But at the same time, offshore oil platforms also form micro-habitats for marine creatures. The burning of oil is what effects the environment the most.

  7. Really it is very little. The oil is not in open holes, it is in rock or sand. It flows through the earth until it comes to a "cap rock" there it stops and collects in a pool. As it is extracted the rock sand and whatever else it is in is still there.

    The Drillers and production companies just be to be careful to properly seal off the different zones and they are drilling to prevent the oil and gas from moving through the cap rock to other zones, where fresh water is to avoid polluting the fresh water etc.

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