
What does teeth pulling feel like??

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Im getting 4 teeth pulled and im really nervous. What does it feel like? Does it hurt?




  1. I had no pain at all the needles did hurt a little but not as bad as you would think. It was strange, I felt no pain but, you definatly will feel the pressure. To be honest though I was totaly surprised by how little it hurt even afterwords. I only used one of the pain killers I was given, the worst of the pain was feeling a little bruised the next day. Good luck!

  2. the most painful bit is the injections to numb it. but they're bearable just uncomfortable. Like a scratch on your gums. The actual teeth pulling just feels weird but not painful. You can tell what the dentist is doing and that's a bit gross but it doesn't actually hurt.

    Good Luck!

  3. i wont hurt that much i have two teeth pulled before and all you feel is the pressure they numb it so you don't feel hardly any pain at all  

  4. hate to say this but the best place I have gotten this procedure done is in Mexico........I had a wisdom tooth that was badly broken and embedded itself after about 2 years.....then I went to Mexico....$50 bucks later...with no was awesome....I hate dental offices in the states...especially cuz they are too expensive.....

  5. after the shot, you will feel only pressure while pulling out your teeth.

  6. I was EXTREMELY nervous when I got 2 teeth pulled back in May, so it's pretty normal when you don't know what to expect!

    It honestly feels like an intense pressure.  It seems pretty intense at first but you get used to it quickly (and I actually thought it felt kind of cool!) and only lasts maybe 30 secs to 1 min for your dentist to pull the tooth.

    You will be completely numbed so you shouldn't be worried there.  If, when they start to pull the gum away from the tooth you feel a pinch, let your dentist know because it means that you need more freezing (I had to get enough freezing for my dentist to pull 2 teeth as someone else would need in order to pull 10 teeth!).

    Afterwards, you get to bite into gauze to help form a blood clot and stop from bleeding.  You will be told all the rules for the next 24 hrs and trust me...the socket feels disgusting after!!

  7. Don't worry it doesn't hurt they numb you. I've had 2 pulled before and I'm not gonna lie it feels gross but not painful. It only feels gross when they're pulling and twisting it out. It's really not as bad as you expect you just get a slight chilling nauseated feeling, or atleast I did. It's the equivalent of have sore sensitive teeth and biting down on them. They will be kind of sore the next few days following and you'll have to keep them from getting infected until they heal. Oh and your lips will be numb for an hour or two because of the numbing cream which they put on before giving you the needles. The needles are the worst part merely because of the thought.

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