
What does temperature sensor accuracy mean?

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The datasheet of a sensor might state that for a particular temperature range, e.g. 10C to 50C, the accuracy of the sensor is +/- 0.5C. Does that mean that 100% of the readings obtained by the sensor are guaranteed to be within +/-0.5C or does it mean only say 95% of the readings are guaranteed to be within +/-0.5C?




  1. As u must be knowing a sensor is a device that is used to sense a change in some parameter...Temperature senor senses the change in temperature. However, it is not practically possible to build sensors that give exact and accurate outputs with change in temperature. So, there is something called 'tolerance values' for components like this...for ex, resistors, ...etc also have tolerance values. The manufacturer gives tolerance specifications in the data sheet of the component. +/- 0.5 C means that the sensor is accurate in a range of +/-0.5 to the observed value. To be clear, if the sensor senses the temp as 100 C, the actual temp may be in the range 99.5 C to 100.5 C. I hope u understood this and learnt that tolerance comes into picture due to practical considerations.

  2. There is a 100% chance that the reading is within .5 C of the actual value.

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