
What does the 2nd Amendment mean to you?

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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.




  1. The right to arm myself against my government in the slight chance that it becomes tyrannical.

  2. exactly what it says

    a well regulated militia-

    keeps tyrannical oppressive groups from forming against the people

    being necessary to the security of a free state-

    keeps us free, and secure from outside opposition that would like to take the peoples rights

    the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed-

    We the people are the sovereign power followed by local, state then federal. Our government was set up on a system of checks and balances. The 2nd ammendment being the most important as the last resort for the people to protect themselves against a corrupt government or anyone that violates their rights as an American.

  3. This Amendment is so horribly worded, no wonder why it gives rise to so much debate. Remember, there was not much of a standing army is these days and everything was about state militias protecting citizens. In 1903 the Militia Act was passed and it organized the state militias into the National Guard. Also many states have their own State Defense Forces commanded by the governor. One can argue (and I do) that the militias are the object of this amendment and "the right of the people" is a collective term saying that people have the right to organize into militias and state forces. There being a National Guard and State Defense Forces existing today, satisfies that amendment. It is not for individuals the right to bear arms, but for the people as a whole to operate their own state-controlled armies. Basically, you do have the right to own a gun, just join the Guard first.

  4. To me it means many things. Self preservation, Self determination, Self protection. It give us (you and I) the right to say, we are being oppressed and we have to right to extinguish that oppression. The Militia aspect of this right, basically means that peoples may form military organizations independent from the governmental military to protect all other freedoms granted to them by the Constitution and the bill of rights. It also means that no law can be written that will infringe on my rights to own, carry and discharge a fire arm should I feel it necessary to protect my life limb and property and my rights as a citizen of the US. Sadly many people don't have a clue about this. And it's evident any time one of them asks why do you need a gun any way?

    Oh and just to add, there may be no standing army (militia) today, and it may appear that we may not need one at the moment. But should we, it would be very difficult to form one if the government to which was being repressive had all of our guns.

  5. It means that people should have the right to keep and bear arms. Thomas Jefferson said it was so the government could not become tyranical and Hitler, Stalin and others all outlawed guns and so people could not oppose them.

  6. the right of the people to secure their state from tyranny through the use of arms shall not be infringed.

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