
What does the Amending process suggest about our government?

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What does the Amending process suggest about our government?




  1. It suggests that the Founding Father's did not intend for amendments to be added without a thorough vetting.  They wanted the basic structure of the government to be simple and for the Constitution to be a bedrock document not filled with frivolous and excessive language.  

    They were not totally successful.  Take the second amendment for example:  it has so many words in it that it is has been subject to disagreement for centuries.  Imagine how simple it would have been for them to say  "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"  rather than include the mish-mash of words that preceed these.

  2. change the system of papers procedure such as visa and passport.

    distribute the power of issuance to the big cities that is close to where the people lives, life nowadays is not essay due to financial problem.

    Make people work by making  them work and abort any malused of power, injustices and most of all abuses to get self interest especially to those who make themselves rich on the back of the others.

    Stop slavery system by abusing people just because they are poor.Give favour to poor ones not to those whose doing their life already comfortable.  

  3. We don't really care about the people.

  4. it suggests that time change. what's good in 1910, sometimes is not good now. or the amendment, intended to do good, but failed. prohibition, for example led to organized crime. it suggests that we have to try different solutions to problems and that new problems arise.  

  5. That we like to make up rights as we go along.

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