
What does the BREAK sign on the dashboard usually mean is wrong with the breaks?

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I have a 96 toyota corolla and on the dashboard the BREAK symbol is lighting up. What does it usually mean is wrong with it?




  1. my car just did this a while back. it means you need to put brake fluid in. it means it's running low or completely out so you need to do it soon before your brakes don't stop the car.  

  2. Low fluid or your parking brake is on. Check the fluid first. The fluid could be low because the brake pads or linings need to be replaced, have them checked.

  3. it can mean 2 different things. your parking brake is on or the parking brake sending unit is sticking. also it can mean there,s something wrong in the braking system, maybe the master cylinder is too low on brake fluid or you have a leak somewhere.

  4. low fluid, or the park brake is on.

  5. Easiest thing to check would be to make sure the parking or emergency brake is completely released before trying to drive.  The light is just trying to remind you that the brake is engaged so that you'll remember to release it before you try and drive anywhere..

    If it's still on even with the parking or emergency brake (manual or automatic transmission, respectively), then there's probably a fault somewhere in the system, as per the above answers..  Probably time to take it to a shop to have it looked at..

  6. Most likely this means that you just need brake fluid!

  7. It means you should have your brakes checked, might be time to replace some parts.

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