
What does the Confederate Flag mean to you?

by Guest57586  |  earlier

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What does the Confederate Flag mean to you?




  1. there were 4 Confederate flags flown and carried during the war. The best known is the battle flag. This is the one that is still popular today amongst the modern day rebels and southern historians. The first flag was close enough to the union flag that it was mistaken during the early battles, and was replaced quickly with the other flags , finally settling on the battle flag as being different enough from the union flag to take into battle.I believe all that all these flags represent a time in american history , and must be accepted as that.

  2. The symbol of a bygone period in American History where a land area and its people tried to split from the Union.  

  3. to me? someone for a hick-ville state...


    something rednecks use to say that theyre "rebels"

    and something the KKK carries around.

    its terrible that the rednecks ruined the meaning of this historic "relic"

  4. It is a historical relic that is relevant to a period in U.S. history.

  5. It is a symbol of the Confederacy and their attempt to break away from the United States.  It's actually a part of our heritage, but certain groups have tried to turn it into a sign of racism and terror.  I'm not sure who is worse--the rednecks or the blacks or the lawyers who make money suppressing it.

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