
What does the Department of Education do to Improve Education? The HS dropout rate in CA just passed 25%?

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Why are we paying for this dept anyway. Is it time to return the money they spend back to the local school districts and do away with this worthless department?




  1. The US dept of ED is supposed to do what about the non-parenting, the teenage dopeheads and teen age promiscuity, the total disregard for proper authority, the gangs, etc.

    It ALL sounds like a LOCAL issue.

  2. I fully agree. If you talk to any teacher, they are frustrated about the federal government spending on a department, which has no clue and doesn't do a thing, when schools on local levels suffer.

    There are to much different challenges locally, that a national department can be effective.

  3. f*****ng teachers union

  4. They just add on additional red tape that the school districts have to go through.

  5. Exactly.  Abolish the DoE along with hundreds of other useless, wasteful, and bureaucratic governments departments.

    Education belongs on the state and local levels. Reagan tried to abolish it, but was stymied by Democrats.  But for some reason the DoE's budget increased 69.6% between 2002 and 2004 under the Bush administration.

  6. If you are referring to the federal Department of Education (Liberal Brainwashing and Socialist Indoctrination), it has no constitutional right to exist so anything it requires of any state can be ignored.

    The easy answer to your question is "Nothing, like any other federal agency has done to improve anything domestically.

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