
What does the ER stand for on British royalties things?

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On the Bristish royalites homes and palaces I see an ER. What does this stand for?




  1. Elizabeth Regina, which means Elizabeth Reigns. We still have some old post boxes with GR on, which means George Regina. King George was the present queens father.

  2. Elizabeth Regina which is the term us British refer to the Queen. e.g. ERII

  3. Elizabetha Regina.

    Queen Elizabeth.

  4. ER = "Elizabeth Regina". Regina is Latin for "Queen" so the whole thing means "Elizabeth the Queen".

    It does NOT mean "Elizabeth reigns"! The Latin for that would be "Elizabeth regnat".

    Queen Victoria's monogram was VR, i.e. "Victoria Regina". The Latin for "king" is "rex", so British kings use the monogram GR (George Rex", ER (Edward Rex), and so on.

  5. Latin for "Elizabeth reigns"  a.k.a. Elizabeth Regina.

  6. I was always told it was Elizabeth Regina in latin and Elizabeth Royal in English... ...

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