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  1. they are sort like the us states with a single currenct    and state govt overseen by a central authority. combined they give less to the un then all of the usa.

    here is the official website to the EU to learn more.

  2. Leech money from the tax payers of it's member states so as to line the pocket of corrupt politicians.

  3. They keep cleaning after the US...

  4. Nay most Americans haven't a clue what the EU is about. You get silly answers like: Super State etc. The EU will have 27 member states when further enlargement takes place in 2007 with the addition of Romania and Bulgaria

    The EU is about removel of  restrictions on movement of people and goods. The EU headquarters is in Brussels, Belguim and Stragbourg, France

    NUM-3 Name ALPHA-2 ALPHA-3


    040 Austria AT AUT

    056 Belgium BE BEL

    196 Cyprus CY CYP

    203 Czech Republic CZ CZE

    208 Denmark DK DNK

    233 Estonia EE EST

    246 Finland FI FIN

    250 France FR FRA

    276 Germany DE DEU

    300 Greece GR GRC

    348 Hungary HU HUN

    372 Ireland, Republic of (EIRE) IE IRL

    380 Italy IT ITA

    428 Latvia LV LVA

    440 Lithuania LT LTU

    442 Luxembourg LU LUX

    470 Malta MT MLT

    528 Netherlands NL NLD

    616 Poland PL POL

    620 Portugal PT PRT

    703 Slovakia SK SVK

    705 Slovenia SI SVN

    724 Spain ES ESP

    752 Sweden SE SWE

    826 United Kingdom GB GBR

  5. Not a very great deal - apart from soaking up huge amounts of money and not properly accounting for it - remember that the accounts of the EU have not been ratified for the last 12 or 13 years (if not longer).  A gravy train in all respects for famously failed politicians, Kinnock and Mandleson to name but two.

  6. Cause a lot of trouble and promote the French interest at the expense of ours while we have weak leaders such as Gordon Brown and Tony Blair!

  7. They have a very big gravy train and all the politicians get on it for as long as they can and wave to all the poor schmucks ( E.U.  Citizens) whose laws they have changed without them casting one vote.

  8. The EU is the European Union!!

  9. the main thing: Commercial and financial Unified System.

  10. One Function of EU is Ensure all their members to have Law in Human Rights, as in UK, the Human Right Act, the Privy Council treat matter and cases concerning with Human Right which their member country cannot provide (and that they shall have law to provide). UK Human Right Act has what EU wants, but I felt UK got so much trouble with that Act.

    I felt EU is also trying to improve all Europe Country relationship, i.e. to be united, but it will be difficult to accomplish such task when some country has system like Parliament.

    This only my personal Comment.

  11. Asking the yanks to do their fighting and take care of their women for them Y'all may think we are,but we are not superman,close but no cigar

  12. s***w the population for theri unjustified expenses

    and agree to silly laws which restrict out freedom

  13. line their own pockets while destroying democracy.

  14. The same thing a one world government will do, s***w up poor peoples lives.

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