
What does the Number 5 mean in a dream?

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What is the significance of the Number 5 in a dream?

I was bitten on the leg by a cobra and had to go to hospital and have 5 days of treatment.




  1. That seems almost fitting.  The number five in a dream most often represents the human body, the human consciousness in the body, and sometimes the five sense.  Your brain probably selected the number 5 as the number of days it would take to heal your body.

    Also, some believe that if 5 appears in your dreams, you are about to make an important decision.

  2. The number 5 as any numbers in dreams is not as significant in meaning as its placement.  Numbers and writing in dreams is often garbled and illegible as we dream with the right side of our brains and read with our left.  However if the number or word is enlarged, backwards, or in a certain color, it can have many meanings.

    Enlarged numbers or letters are often subconscious reminders of important tasks that the dreamer must perform in real life.  The number 5 could refer to a highway number that you must travel on or the number of days left to pay an important bill.

    If the number is backwards it often carries meaning of someone else you know.  Like an important birthday coming up on the 5th of next month or you have a friend involved with sports and the number five is their jersey number.

    Lastly the colors of numbers are symbols of the colors themselves, black being mystery, green tranquility, yellow being hope, etc.  Hope this fully answers your question.

    In the case of your dream where you had 5 days of treatment, you are probably focused on something coming up five days from now and cannot wait for that particular event.  The poison represents the time you must endure to reach that event.

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