
What does the Pilots Say?

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What does the pilots say when theyre asking permition to take-off, landing and so on. Please tell me anything about what pilots are saying to the Ground radar tower, or what ever it is....




  1. The pilot will say their call sign whatever it might be, followed by the runway that they are at and tell them that they are ready for takeoff.  Tower will then clear them for takeoff with additional instructions following the takeoff.  Example

    Pilots:  "american 2020 ready at runway 36"

    Air traffic control (ATC):  "american 2020 cleared for takeoff, fly heading 030, climb and maintain 5000."

    Pilots: "Cleared for takeoff on 36, fly 030, climb and maintain 5000 american 2020."

    There are many different variations that you may hear depending on different situations, but that is a somewhat typical radio transmission.  Go to (or .com, im not sure which) and you can listen to a control tower's transmissions.  They are delayed, but you might be able to learn a little from there.

  2. If their at a contolled airport (control tower), they'll say (for instance latrobe) Palmer tower (Their aircraft and tail-number) piper 3zero66Gulf is ready to go at runway two-three

    And say if you were coming in to land, and your ten miles out, amking your first call, you'd say "Palmer tower piper 3zero66Gulf is 10 miles to the northwest at three-thousand five hundred inbound to land with X-ray. (thats the weather info. A is alpha, B is bravo, then charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, gulf, hotel, india, julliet, kilo, lima, mike, november, oscar, papa, quebec, romeo, sierra, tango, uniform, victor, whiskey, x-ray, yankee, and zulu

  3. Airliner plus tail number to identify the plane.. tell your the position.. ask permition for what you want to do.. e.g permision for taxiing throug runway XX.. or permision for take off.. and wait confrimation from the ATC.. before you do anything and then you have to confirm that you received their confirmation...

  4. Another nice job on the English...

    The pilots ask the control tower for permission to taxi, take, off, and any other maneuvering they do while in the tower controlled air space.

    For example: Cessna N2314 requesting permission for taxi to runway 23E.

    Cessna N2314 requesting permission for take off.

    Cessna N2314  requesting departure altitude of 5, direction 270.

  5. In addition to what is said, I'd like to add something very important: You cannot take off until you are cleared to take off.

    It may seem banal but last Saturday I flew to Sweden and at Goteburg-Save ESGP, I was holding short for runway 01; the tower told me: Line up runway zero one for take off; I lined up and ... waited. Then came the "Clear to take off, the wind is ... etc." Then I pushed forward the throttle.

    Runway infringement is one of the major reason for disasters as it has already happened at Tenerife and Milano. You are NEVER allowed to land or take off until the word: CLEAR is pronounced by the controller. While doing run-up or taxiing, you may be cleared to your destination. That means that your flight plan is accepted and running. But it doesn't allow you to enter the active runway until you hear: Clear to line up and take off before you hear: clear to take off.

    If, when on short final, the tower forgets to tell you: clear to land, you have to take the initiative to call them and request the clearance. Otherwise you better abort your landing.

  6. We tell em who we are, where we are and what we want to do. It's that simple.


    Yes..its... Tell me, where have you ever seen a runway 23E?

  7. You never use the words "request permission".....too much wording.

    "Tower, Skyhawk 34 Charlie, holding short 35, vfr to Glenview.

    Approach, Skyhawk 34 Charlie 10 Southwest full stop with ECHO.

    Ground, Skyhawk 34 Charlie at T Hangars, ready to taxi with Foxtrot.

    Uncontrolled Aiport:

    Mount Pleasant traffic, Skyhawk 34 Charlie 5 to the East, touch and go Runway 27, Mount Pleasant.

    Mount Pleasant traffic, Skyhawk 34 Charlie at the ramp, taxiing to runway 9, Mount Pleasant traffic.

  8. Takeoff is pretty similar for all aircraft.  

    Callsign, where you are (rwy 28R... rwy 28L, intersection B, etc...) and that you are ready to depart.

    For arrrivals, it varies somewhat based on the type of airport you are going into.

    For example, if you are going into an airport that is services by an approach control (either Class C or B or a satelite airport close to one of these bigger airports) and has an operating control tower you may say as little as callsign and the runway you are set up to land on (as approach has set you up for the approach and has let tower know you are coming).

    Sometimes you will say more, usually based on an instruction that the previous controller has given you.  (Columbus Tower, Delta 1426, with you for 28L, over X (outer marker) or 200kts assigned, or have the traffic on the parallel in site, etc...

    If you contacting tower and have not been speaking with ATC (filed VFR and not going into a larger airport), you will tend to give more information.  Again, callsign, but current position and intensions.  "Morristown Tower, Cessna 172QS is 10 miles to the north inbound to land, with information Bravo).  

    The last scenario is you are talking with ATC, but the airport you are landing at doesn't have a control tower.  Your call on the CTAF (common traffic advisory frequency) would very similar to the previous example.

    I hope this helped answer your question.

    check out and you can listen to live ATC and hear the terminology being used.  It isn't all correct in terms of the reccomended phrasiology, but it is realistic.

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