
What does the Queen do, and who would do it if the monarchy was abolished?

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What does the Queen do, and who would do it if the monarchy was abolished?




  1.  has an extensive description of the role of the sovereign. Here is a snippet:

    "As Head of State, The Queen undertakes constitutional and representational duties which have developed over one thousand years of history. In addition to these State duties, The Queen has a less formal role as 'Head of Nation'. She acts as a focus for national identity, unity and pride; gives a sense of stability and continuity; officially recognises success and excellence; and supports the ideal of public and voluntary service."

    The Prime Minister is the person who runs the day-to-day government.I don't know if anyone else would do what the royals do.

  2. Here is a list of the things she does:

    1. Waves at people in white or black gloves.

    2. Cut's ribbons

    3. knights old people

    4. Read & signs a couple of state documents

    4. Attends state banquets & shakes more people hands.

    5. Eats

    6. Eats some more

    7. travels around the world

    Anybody could do the stuff she does. She doesn't even do real work, just hobbies....

  3. She does a huge number of jobs, despite what people think it is not just ceromonial jobs and she is involved in the running of the country.  I cant be bothered to write it all here but check out wikipedia (search uk and find the link to the royal family) and you will get an idea.

    She is one of  busiest people in the country and rarely ever gets a day off.  She always as to be proper and no a perfect job.  

    Retards like the one who wrote the first post have no idea.  They just like to think they know what they are talking about.

  4. Waves out of car windows, shakes hands and open things

    Anyone could do it, it's not too difficult to learn


  5. I believe she is a Figurehead. A symbol if you will.

  6. The Queen fufills a great many constitutional and ceremonial duties.  if we didn't have her we would have an elected president, which would be very dull and probably a lot more expensive as well.  Most countries seem to pay more for their presidents than we do for our monarchy, who are actually very good value.

  7. The regals are ridiculous although they would make for much amusement and have more tourist appeal if they were displayed in stocks or pillaries outside the palace or the castle, xx

  8. If you think a President and republic would be any better and justice would follow you are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

    And where the h**l is the spell check on this thing  

  9. Wave and smile.  Any bum on the street could do that!

  10. Spain was without a monarchy for 44 years after the civil wars in the 1930's. Yet the country restored the king. A monarchy can be very unifying rallying point when things go badly. Four years after the reunification, when the military tried to take control of parliament, the king was a very stabilizing force in preventing the return to military dictatorship


    There is actually a very large percentage of the British population that supports the monarchy. The detractors are just very vocal (as you can read)..

  11. Would it need to be done?

  12. Anyone can wave and cut ribbons. Getting rid of the monarchy is an essential first step towards establishing a true democracy. M.

  13. Robert M and BEC have given decent answers, you always have some idiots who don't know what they are talking about on questions like yours.

    Can you imagine for one minute President Gordon Brown living in Buckinham Palace? that's the alternative, perish the thought!!

  14. She rides wid de dook....

    If he survives her, Madame Tausaud's will oblige.

  15. we should get rid of em, its just a way of the upper classes to rule the working classes and feel superior.

    make them work for a living  

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