
What does the Queen do? Why is there a Queen? Is having a Queen good for the country?

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What does the Queen do? Why is there a Queen? Is having a Queen good for the country?




  1. Countries that got rid of thier royalty are all doing much better without them.

  2. In the olden days , the kings or Czars ruled their country or the province of which they were the owners, which is again either large or small, the larger the country, the greater the ruler. When the king married, a daughter of a king, a princess, or even a commoner, she became royal and therefore a Queen. At times, the Queen was more active and the King took the backseat. and their Prince was too young to rule.The Queens have proved to be good rulers and often not at all good , like Marie Antoinette. who was Guillotined. Those days there were only kings and queens who had the power and the kingsmen and bureautcrats worked under the power of the king or queen.

    Today the power is manyfolds. In the form of countries/nations, forces,ministries and  their ministers in different divisions., it all depends who the paymaster is. The one who pays the wages is supreme,the one who receives it bows to the person. The Queens are in England , Scotland, France.etc., the world is affected very little by them, except thru' BBC NEWS or Magazines. I for one have never had a Queen rule over me, except for Late Shrimati Indira Gandhi, the only quality she shared with a queen is that she is a femme.

    Now Mrs Pratibha Patil is sworn in as the first woman of India, President! Well she can be compared to a queen in a way, in these times.

    These  times people often say....' SHE IS LIKE A QUEEN, SHE TAKES HER OWN SWEET TIME'. Moreover QUEENS give the impression of  beauty queens e.g., Cleopatra, who bathed in milk and her subjects had to reach up the milk in her budoir evry time she bathed in the huge swimming pool!

    A Queen in the modern times can only be good if she changes / opts for modern managemant techniques, and also possibly without wearing a crown. she has to rule well satisfying the needs of all the citizen, only then a queen can be good  for the country.

    Otherwise...'the Queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey'......will not do.

  3. Her Royal Highness does a lot for the country and not just in the tourist trade.  She is a good figurehead to have, I for one would not want Gordon Brown or that shower of monkey nuts Tony Blair as my Head of State.  If we had a decent electoral system that meant decent politicians got anywhere near the top of the greasy pole then I might consider Republicanism, for now I prefer the anachronistic Royal Family to produce them for me.

  4. mostly waving

    cos shes too bone idle to get a real job

    its a good tourist attraction

  5. Get rid!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Authoritative figurehead.

  7. The person who said the Queen doesn't come to Canada and no one cares obviously doesn't watch the news.

    It's fashionable to say no one is interested in what she does or that's it's an old institution which should be abolished. But the reality is different. On the Queen's last tour of Canada - for her Jubilee - the crowds were the largest they have ever been. In fact, they were so large that she actually ran behind schedule, something she hates to do. But so many Canadians wanted to see her, that she had to stay longer in places to be seen.

    If you think back to her Golden Jubilee Celebrations - the one which had that amazing rock concert in the Palace Gardens, followed by the best fireworks the world has seen - over two million people crowded on the Mall (the street leading to the Palace) to wish her well.

    During her State Visit to Washington, President Bush entertained like he has never done in the seven years of his presidency. The Queen is a big deal.

    While the roles of Kings and Queens have changed, what they do is represent the State. They are the living embodiment of the State. In the US, you have a flag do that. To those of us who live elsewhere, it's a piece of cloth. The Queen, however, represents continuity with our past, present and future. If you listen to what Prime Ministers say, she is the greatest source of advice they could ever have. She is above politics, so her concerns are for her people and the country. There is no political agenda which is invaluable.

  8. The Queen has her daily 'Red boxes' with papers from the Government for her signature and guidance, plus she attends many events for the good of Great Britain and the Commonwealth and many Charitable causes, the Queen is head of State not just of Britain, but Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and several others, The Queen is good for the Country as having a Monarchy generates tourism......much more than having a President would generate, plus look at the hundreds of of people lining the streets whenever there is a Jubilee or Royal wedding........surely they can't be wrong?!!

  9. She is nothing more than an expensive showpiece, an old woman who would be helpless if people weren't fussing over her. They all ought to be forced to work real jobs!

  10. the queen/king of england used to have complete control of the country and they believed it was their divine right to be king/queen (they believed god had put them there.) later on the king/queen could only pass laws with the approval of parliament.  

    however, this all changed when charles 1 came onto the throne, he was unpopular and put up taxes and stuff like that and annoyed the english people as well as parliament.

    because of this parliament declared war on him and their was a civil war between the royalists and the parlimentarians, parliament won and beheaded the king and made themselves powerful.

    later on the king charles 2 was reinstated but england is really ruled by the prime minister and parliament.

    technically, the queen is still in control eg the party who win the election must wait until they are invited into power by the queen and she doesn't technically have to invite them but, if she didn't, that would probably be the end of the royal family.

    for most english people the queen is the figurehead of all that is english and someone to respect and be proud of. (because lets face it would you have pride in tony blair or gordon brown?)

  11. Absolutely nothing! Who cares where the queens and kings of the world are, they don't even care.  Canada has it all over their money.. but yet I never seen her in Canada and if she does come here, no one gives a royal c**p!


    Whatever good she does is not told... but the bad things they do is everywhere!  If they gave all that money to the people I am sure the smog would clear.. lol

  12. Don't really think she does much, Its all government now.

    I think they still have a Queen to keep up the tradition

  13. What does The Queen do? She Reigns.

    Why is there a Queen (or King)? Because our system of government is a Constitutional Monarchy.

    Is having a Queen good for the country? Every country has a head of state. Republics have here today and away tomorrow Presidents. Kingdoms have Monarchs. Our Monarch has been Head of State for not far off 60 years. As far as I am concerned She is Perfection.

    I feel sorry for those neer do wells who without any serious thought deem fit to poke fun at The Queen. I wouldn't swap places with Her and I am sure most others wouldn't .

    Vivat Regina Elizabetha.

  14. The queen troops the colours

    she is there to  troops the colours

    yes  trooping  the colours is good for the country

  15. 1.  The Queen is in similitude of Jesus Christ - she is th figurehead for the nation and receives on our behalf.

    2.  The queen has taken vows which make her place country before self

    3.  No other nation on the planet has anybody quite like EIIR.

    4.  This makes Great Britain (The United KINGDOM) unique amongst nations.

    I could go on.  I don't begrudge her all that wealth, as it actually belongs to the people.  I wouldn't like her job - she gets no private time.  She has to be on best behaviour at all times - and all this from a woman over 80.

    God bless and preserve her (in aspic)

  16. that depends upon the queen.

  17. In answer to your three questions.Inspect soldiers on her birthdays, and shoot grouse. God knows. Impossible.

  18. Great answer, Brian S.  I hope you get best answer!!

    Her Majesty The Queen embodies all that is good and great about Great Britain.  If we all lived our lives in the way she lives hers, what a wonderful place the planet would be.  One gets respect who commands respect.  She is a living example of service to others - all those clever clogs trying to run her down or throw her out should look at themselves.  If they lived to 80 working as hard as she does, they would probably respect themselves and others more.  But then, they're probably all on benefits, being paid by the likes of us who work hard and pay taxes.  Long live the Queen!!

  19. Having a queen or a king is a little bit better than having a president, because presidents are changed too often, so, in the same period, the contributor has more leeches to inflate in a republic than in a monarchy!

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