
What does the Tiger Lily represent?

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I was watching a movie about a year ago when one of the characters stated that the lily's meaning was "I dare you to love me."

Now, I did research back then and came up with the fact that apparently Tiger Lily's are the one with that meaning. However, I did reasearch again today and found mixed signals, with some websites saying that the meaning of the tiger lilly was pride, whereas others stated the quote.

Does anyone know the actual, or at least most commonly known meaning behind the tiger lily? And would changes to color (pink, for instance) change the meaning behind it at all?




  1. The symbolism of the tiger lily is like other lilies in that they symbolize the feminine principle reflecting the qualities of mercy, compassion, kindness and unconditional love. Lilies are associated with the planet Venus, the water element and the goddesses Venus, Juno, Mpethys and Kwan Y'in.  However the Tiger Lily represents the more powerful aspects of femininity. :)

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