
What does the U.S. govt do with all their huge stockpiles of biological WMD's?

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  1. they destroy them in Alabama

    read the news not the blogs

  2. Many are being incinerated at  Aniston, AL.  We hope to reduce/destroy these materials

  3. They destroy some, but there will always be a story that some are missing due to bureaucratic bungling.

  4. We keep them pointed at our enemies.  

  5. They sell them to Canada and Australia so they can get rid of their aboriginal populations.

  6. sell them to middle eastern governments in exchange for some control over oil...

  7. Stockpile them.

  8. Sell it on EBay to pay  for the Iraq and Afghanistan war  

  9. they bury them in Iraq?

  10. they make green babies like the one in your avatar

  11. They put them in the aerosol chambers of those planes that leave all those giant freakish white streamers that ruin your sky.

  12. I think they sell them to McDonalds to use as "special sauce"

  13. There is a chemical weapons depot in Utah that incinerates them, seriously.  

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