
What does the audience of snowboarding like these days like colors, gear, design?

by Guest57833  |  earlier

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What does the audience of snowboarding like these days like colors, gear, design?




  1. its always changing. even the big companies get it wrong sometimes.

  2. That gear that Ryo Aono was wearing when he got silver in the Winter X Games Snowboard SuperPipe Men's Final was killer.

  3. Dude, this is the first of your marketing questions that I have taken time to answer... I think it is fine that you are trying to use this forum to get some feedback, but the multiple posts and mindless questions are a bit tedious.  This one, for instance, is far too open ended.  If you did any research at all you would find that the range in graphics on snowboards is tremendous.  This is one of the beautiful things about the variety of manufacturers that out there: there are graphics that fit just about everyone's style.  

    Personally, I don't pay much attention to graphics: I am more interested in performance.  however, there are boards that I might have purchased if the graphics were less offensive or the colors were not so odd.  I don't think images of women, weapons, or drugs are appropriate.  There are others who seek these out to be rebellious.  This comes back to my point: diversity!  

    If you want to get some useful answers start asking better questions.  Come up with a unique concept for snowboard graphics and have people comment on them.   A better place to do this might be: but you better check the user agreement first.  

    Just my two cents worth... I'm not really sure what your after.

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