
What does the average 14/15 year old girl want for christmas?

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I understand everyone is different but I just want some idea's to get for my sister-in-law whom is coming to live with us, I want to start early to get the most I can for her. Thank you. Please post a list of items.




  1. In style handbags (Coach, etc. You can get her a small bag for $100-$150), Ipod, cell phone, gift certificate to get her nails and hair done, restaurant gift card (teenagers like to start to go out to eat with their friends by themselves now)....

  2. Make up

    Good skin products


    Dresses/tunics are good clothing presents


    Certain types of food she might like

    Don't go too extreme if you don't know what she really likes, stick to the basics. but make ups always a good 1.

    If you can't think of anything else then MONEY is always the way to go!!

  3. ipod

    make up

    nail varish



    ask her

  4. I'm auessing you dont want to spend a fortune on Ipods and whatever, seeing as she will probably already have one. So anything pretty or cute, maybe a nice handbag or some cute earrings. If you are well and truely stuck, try getting a voucher, seeing as she can buy whatever with it. Get a voucher for a nice clothes shop like Gap or maybe a voucher to buy music on I Tunes. It all really depends on what she is like and what intrests her. Maybe if she has a games console or anything, buy her a good game, or even a couple of DVDs that would appeal to her.

    I hope I gave you a few ideas!

  5. Stuff to make them pretty, clothes they might have wanted, teen toys like cell phones, ipods etc.

  6. personally i always wanted a new phone which is really bad as i just had a new one.. we like jewellery and money so good luck with buying the present :)

  7. As a parent of a 14 year old, I say DON'T get clothes.  She won't like them.  No matter what.  Electronics are good, MP3 player, iPod, nintendo DS, etc.  Gift certs for books, if she likes to read.  Also, girls of this age are very into personalizing their space.  Especially if she is coming to live with you, help her find things (again, gift certificates with the promise of a shopping day work really well) for places to buy things to decorate her room, makeovers, hot topic is my daughters fave store, but she is a little "emo" as she calls it.  Bath & Body works gift cards are good too.    the best gift I got Laura was a day where we went out and got haircuts, mani and pedicures, and then had her makeup done at the Clinque counter at a local dept. store.  Movie tickets are good too, or a netflix membership.

  8. do not buy her clothing, unless you know its something she wants. and do not buy her anything pink unless she's specified it.

    give her money so she can get her own stuff.

  9. gift cards to the mall or her favorite clothing stores. cds, dvds, books were always a favorite of mine. a day of getting her hair and nails done, a cell phone......

  10. what is her style???

    if she is a prep. probably a 'cute top'

    maybe skinny jeans or a band tee.

    or  a cd

    i don't know just find out what she is interested in and get her somthing based  on that

  11. A 14/15 year old boy

    Make up



    Maybe a trip to the mall to buy whatever she wants

    New Ipod

    New Cell?


    Nail Polish

    New shoes


  12. Money.  She will probably spend it on make up, music and clothes, but chances are she will think anything you picked out is not right for her (wrong color, wrong style, whatever), that is just the way 14/15 year old girls are.

    Or better then money at that age, was when someone took me to the mall and let me pick out all my gifts during the sales, my mom would do it and make me wait til Christmas to "open" my presents.  I always got what I wanted, plus I got a day where I got to go out and have a day that was all about "me".

    If that is too predictable for you, take her with you when you do the rest of your shopping and go into the stores she wants and keep a close eye on what she likes, and suggest trying on clothes and such "just for fun" then go back the next day and get what she really liked.

    Or a GC to the mall and take her to shop the day after Christmas sales.

  13. cds and normal stuff like that.Alot of kids really  just want the money.

    Find a hobby she likes and work with that.For examply if she plays the guitar, you could get her a few picks or a mini model guitar.

    Girls always like jewellery, but silvers always prefered.Shoes and clothes are great too!

  14. Ipod


    New Cell Phone


    Playstation 3 or Xbox 360

    Lots of technology items.

  15. A pink I-Pod Nano.  Cant miss.

  16. prolly a date with me?

  17. music cd's, cash, makeup, jewlery, purse, laptop, mp3 player with at least 4 - 8 g viedo, photo, voice, etc on it.   A tv for their room, a dvd player, dvd's.  

    what so ever, NO clothes, or shoes.

  18. ipod

    mac book



  19. Well i am 13 and i like clothes, bags, jewelry, and stuff like that, but i also love books, cellphone stuff like maybe a cover for it or something, and i get almost all my stuff from Target, or The Mall!!!!!  There is this one shop in the mall that i love and i will give you the link!!!!!     They have much more stuff in the store like t-shirts and shoes. The store is for Junior high and high school students

  20. I'm fourteen about to be fifteen and I would want:

    A new ipod


    a laptop




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