
What does the bible say about marijuana?

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just wondering about weed from a biblical standpoint. is it morally ok to smoke socially.

i have looked into it and the only problem i see is the fact that the bible tells us to obey the laws of man. but if you look at 1 timothy 4: 1-5 it condemns anyone who forbids people from partaking in any of Gods creation.

i have looked at ecclesiastes 3:1 as well

just wondering if anyone cold help. please provide verses to support opinion.

there is nothing worse that a radical religeous person with no backbone to their belief.




  1. they say something about harming your body, but no specifics except for alcohol... which happens to be legal. Weird huh?

  2. It's not specifically mentioned so go ahead and fry your brain.

  3. This wasn't relevant in the Biblical times, so we have 2 go by verses that cover the general idea.  

    23"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive.

    This verse says that while eyou might get away with some things, not evrything isd good 4 u.  

    Plus, I know how much it hurt my heart every time one of my friends got stoned.  I cried it upset me so much.  Don't do that 2 ur friends.  

  4. God said... that it is a sin to get drunk.  So I would think that getting high would also be a sin, since it alters the mind and is illegal.  Which God also said that we must obey our laws too.  

    But then you have to think about the glaucoma patients.  I wonder where they would stand.  Ugh... to each it's own.

  5. Genesis 1:29 in favour of collie

    More Peace

  6. I consider it on par with drinking. It's permissible but don't over do it..

  7. The Bible says we are to demonstrate the fruit of self-control.

    Therefore any drug that takes away your ability be clear-headed is bad for you.

    It also says we are to look after our bodies, so any drug that can cause brain damage is bad for you.

  8. The fruit there of shall be mans meat and the leaves there of man's medicine.

  9. for medicine with prescript its isnt mentioned..

  10. Genesis 1;29 states that God made every seed bearing herb and that it was good for man.  Cannabis usage has been tolerated and encouraged for generations and its prohibition is, relatively speaking quite recent. As long as it does not get in the way of, or become greater than your love for God, there isn't a problem with it.  As far as "man's law" goes, it must always be SUBSERVIENT, that is below the threshold of God's law.  If man's law supercedes God's law, then ignore it.

  11. There's no specific mention of cannabis in the Bible at all.

  12. Watch that spelling!

    The Bible teaches that you should be a good person. Smoking weed doesn't make you a good person. It makes you think, amongst other things, that you are a good person.

  13. f the Bible!!

  14. Marijuana was invented by Mexicans, not God.  Everyone knows that.

    That's why we're all cool with it being illegal.  

    I'm Atheist!

  15. The part where God made it.

  16. Well, I had to look up 1Ti 4:1-5

    Verse 3 speaks of men prohibiting **marriage** and **foods that God created to be shared**.  Unless you are in a very strange relationship with a plant or are attempting to gain sustenance from marijuana, this verse is very clearly not applicable.  I would go further and say that marijuana is not really appropriate as a food plant in any case (given its nutritive value).

    Verse 4 says "everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected" - but this does not mean that you should not reject a sharp stick in the eye, for example.  Everything that God made is good, but not everything that God made is good for every purpose (obviously).  Hemp is a wonderful material for rope and paper, among other things.  The fact that it can be used for other purposes does not mean that it should, and this verse clearly does not indicate any such thing.  To say that this verse justifies the use of marijuana is like saying that this verse justifies the use of blowfish poison as a murder weapon.

    If using marijuana is forbidden, this verse does not make it justifiable, any more than any other illegal act is justified by this verse.

    The prohibition against breaking the laws of those who rule over us is scripturally sound.

    Ecc 3:1 does not suggest that everything that happens is **OK**, only that it is fated to happen.  For example, serial rape is not "condoned" by Ecclesiastes 3, even though that, too, happens (from time to time) under heaven.

    The legal prohibition against marijuana use in most countries is sufficient - if following scripture - to prevent Christians living under such laws to abide by this.  There is no indication whatsoever in scripture that Christians are permitted to ignore the legal prohibitions with regard to this particular substance or any similar substance.  For example - Mosaic Law permits the Jews to eat certain insects.  It does not say that they *must* do so, and (similarly) nowhere does scripture insist that Christians must partake of anything remotely resembling marijuana.  Therefore, the legal prohibition is sufficient.  If it were wine or bread (commanded, many would say, by Jesus), you might have an issue.

    In those locations in which marijuana use is legal, the Christian would have to be guided by other criteria such as the inebriation and severe health problems linked to marijuana smoking.  However, it does not seem as if you need to delve into that.


  17. it's forbidden

    Ez 8:17

    17 He said to me, "Have you seen this, son of man? Is it a trivial matter for the house of Judah to do the detestable things they are doing here? Must they also fill the land with violence and continually provoke me to anger? Look at them putting the branch to their nose!

  18. Golly gee, if you know about the stuff concerning following the authorities, but you have a refutation of that law in scripture, wouldn't you just start a petition movement to have it recognized based on that verse, and take your petition around to churches to get it signed..

    ...oh, maybe that wouldn't work...

  19. The Bible is ok with marijuana.

    In Genesis 1:29, God states quite clearly that he made "every" plant and "every" seed to be used by mankind. This means that God created marijuana, coca (which contains cocaine), and poppies (which contain opium) for use by humans.

  20. Capital letters are your friends!

    Beyond that, marijuana is not mentioned in the Bible.

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