
What does the bible say about the paranormal and hunting such?

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What does the bible say about the paranormal and hunting such?




  1. LOL!! the spirit mentioned in the bible is not the kind that most of the spirit encountered by paranormal experts. And, the bible doesn't mentioned about the hunting of spirits.

  2. The paranormal is just another name for demons at work.

  3. Hi! I'm a fundalmentist as far as I know its just PURPOSLY contacting(the O board and ghost hunting) dead souls other than than go for it! with the exeption of contacting them to get rid of them like in possesion or somethin!

    o and divination is kinda a no no but they're is a reason... one being that almost all of them dont work and you just really waist your time...but thats not to say that it never works of course... it just barly works..

  4. The Old Testament Bible is a mythological book written by and for Middle East desert nomads.  It does deal with elements of what we would call paranormal, but then its authors also took a lot of things for granted that we know just aren't true.

  5. There are plenty of fun stories where Jesus stumbles upon so-and-so who is plagued by demons or whatever, then exorcises him by laying hands on him or praying (or something).  Then some miraculous sign happens out of nowhere and everyone is happy.

  6. I've read the other posts and don't remember who said this: religion is all about the paranormal, but I definitely agree with them. Most religions have some degree of paranormal activity in them. The Bible tells about Jesus, God walking this earth. Jesus tells us to try the spirits to see if they're from God. He tells us that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. I don't think we're meant to go hunting from them, but we're not to back down from them either. Jesus gave us authority over them, the same authority he used on earth. I won't recount the many accounts in the New Testament of how Jesus handled paranormal encounters because someone else has done a very good job of that already.

  7. I'm pretty sure it says, "Thou shalt ask religious questions in thy Religion & Spirituality category".

  8. The Gospel is plenty of miracles, that is, paranormal phenomena: Christ turns water into wine, walks along the sea waves, demands a storm to stop, perceives a metal coin swallowed by a fish, multiplies food, arises dead persons, heals lepers, the blind, the deaf-mute, the invalid ones, watches at a distance, talks with Moses and Elias, shines brighter than the sun.... once He resurrects, He starts appearing and disappearing without notice, disguises himself, He even eats! Open the New Testament and you'll find any paranormal situation being lived by Christ himself and his eventual companions as well: for instance, He is seen by Abraham, which means Abraham could see the future while Jesus could see the past, perhaps simultaneously. (what we call pre-cognition and retro-cognition respectively). Nathanael is watched by Christ before they had met for the first time (we call this clairvoyance); Peter floats over the sea waves   (we call this levitation); a plain case of Poltergeist is known by the people of Gerasa who tells Jesus about a man that hurts himself with stones (stones from out of nowhere?) , a man that is possessed by Legion, kind of two thousand demons (multiple personality?) that travel from him to a herd of pigs which suicide together... remember the fig tree dried by His curse for its out-of-season lack of fruit? This is sheer telekinesis. I could go on and on.

      Managing with the paranormal  was an every-day task for Him, as we see and, since He came from Heaven to show us how to behave, what should we do but face each and every weird situation with faith, confidence and prayer, the way He did?

  9. well lets see!

    the father

    the son


    the holy *spirt*

    Also bible figures have been visted by "ghosts"

    Note there is a type of haunting that is an imprint on time which doesnt have to be a gohst persay...

  10. Not very much.

    Christ makes references to ghosts when speaking to His apostles after the resurrection, and some interpret Ezekiel's wheel to be a spacecraft of some sort.

    In terms of seeking these things out, however, I don't recall it says anything. It does warn against divination of lots and omens and speaking with sorcerers, etc (in the OT, which prohibits just about everything, including cheeseburgers and poly-cotton blends). But I don't think either statement would apply to modern paranormal research which, nowadays, is more scientific (or at least attempts to be scientific, depending on your view point) in its approach.

    Personally, I'm Catholic. The RCC has investigated hauntings, possessions, etc for a very long time, so it's probably not something that is a huge no-no.

    Regardless, there's nothing wrong with learning, and that's pretty much what paranormal investigation is, isn't it?

  11. Well, as mentioned by some previous answers, scripture is not even slightly ambiguous about communicating with the dead:  it is a sin to even attempt such.

    On the other hand, possession is to be combatted.  This was done by David (when he soothed the evil spirit possessing Saul with music), and by many apostles and disciples in the New Testament (exorcism).

    So:  hunting evil spirits, OK.  Communicating with dead spirits:  bad.


  12. kriegzeit and Deep_Sinatra have it pretty well covered, I know, I've read the Bible from cover to cover, not many can say that.

    Something more recent you may wish to ponder. Padre Pio now Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, is the Man's Man of modern saints, I love the guy. Having only died in 1968, they waited until a few weeks ago to dig him up and his body was fresh like the day they closed the lid. How is that for paranormal?

    If you need to use someone in the church to defend modern miracles and prophecies and other fun stuff, he's your man.

    He was once saying Mass when remembered he was supposed to be giving a lecture he had put off many times. At one point during Mass he pulled his hood up and sat down, he often did such things to the chagrin of his brothers who were anxiously waiting to dig into the pastries after services. More than eight minutes, maybe 12, 15 or more, they feared he had died on then spot suddenly he sat up pulled back his cowl and resumed Mass.

    Some 40 minutes away by car, 14 people had just heard the quickest most succinct lecture possible. Witnesses said he didn't waste a word and they instantly understood everything he said and he never once repeated himself.

    That is a pure unadulterated case of bi-location if I ever heard of one!

    I've studied him, I've read several biographies and I have medal with a first class relic (drop of blood) that I cherish very much. If a guy like this can hold 'my' focus like this I would imagine others would find him quite fascinating too. (In other words he humbles me to the soles of my feet.)

  13. I am not Christian and therefore do not believe what the bible says but as far as i am awear it say it is 'tabu' and no living person should try to contact the spirit world and only god him self should be contacted.

  14. What the Bible says depends on who is reading it.For Catholics,fortune telling and attempting to contact spirits is a sin.A pretty serious one if I remember correctly.

  15. You need to read the chapters and verses for yourself.

    Edit..Nice Guy...I don't remember the Catholic Church EVER telling us that communicating with spirits was a sin. I don't think it was ever brought up at all. I do know that we were taught to pray to the saints..for them to pray for us. They're that was talking to spirits. And if a saint appeared to you...they usually thought you were holy. ..because they didn't believe saints would appear to a bad person...only a holy one. I know things have changed . I don't know what they teach now. Deep...Thanks for your answer. Some people on here keep saying that religion has nothing to do with the paranormal. As you've said..religion IS about the paranormal.

  16. Thou shalt have the mindset of ancient ancestors that were frightened of lighting.......

    And they will travel in masses around the world and spread the word for everyone to be scared of their own shadows........

    And they will interbreed with other cultures and all their paranoia hoopla, causing a rift between fact and fiction.............

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