
What does the bobbing of the head mean in the Indian culture?

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I find myself travelling to India and when dealing with the locals in Chennai and when I ask questions people just look at me and bobb their heads. Aside from the fact that they might not understand me; could there be another meaning? Thanks in advance for your help!




  1. in India, the head bob is ubiquitous and covers a wider range of situations. It seems to generally be a form of acknowledgement. Ask for the bill at a restaurant, head bob from waiter. Ask for the price of an item at a market, head bob from clerk as they state the price. Ask an auto driver for a route, head bob again. It sometimes stands for "thank you", sometimes for "I heard you", and sometimes seems to happen simply because south indians learn the head bob from birth and can't help it. I'm practicing, as being able to bob is a basic form of communication that belongs in a "10 essential phrases for travelers" volume (along with honking).

  2. Yes, no maybe so. lol

  3. It is acknowledgment that the person hears you, it does not necessarily mean that they understand what you are saying.  It is usually a form of agreement.  But, yes the Indians have this "head bob" ingrained in the culture.  You will find it almost anywhere in India.  It is not the south Indians alone that do it.

    Like the people above said, it can range and cover a multitude of things.  It depends in which context you are talking to the person.

    I still get amused by it...

  4. It means very ok very ok

  5. it means different things depending on the situation. You'll learn it in a few hours.

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