
What does the cover of new moon mean?

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i was wondering

and what do the other ones mean?

(the apple, rose, riibbion, and chess)




  1. i dunno. actually they are kinda of strange. they dont really match the books. they are cool pictures though.  


    It means nothing, Meyer didn't get to choose it. Says so if you click on the link.

  3. NEW MOON-

    That is a ruffled tulip. As for the meaning... If you've read the Twilight FAQ, you know that the apple cover had a lot of meaning for me, and I was an active part of the covering process. However, that experience is more the exception than the rule in the publishing world. Something to keep in mind if you intend to embark on a career as a writer: lots of things you might expect to be under your control are not. Covers, for example. Those are mostly up to the publisher and the marketing and sales departments. So I don't know what the tulip means—I didn't have anything to do with this one.


    forbidden fruit equals forbiden love


    the queen is when bella is a vampire, and the other piece is when she was a human, you see how is behind the queen. well is like thats her past and shes a new person now.


    i have no idea, im sorry

  4. I think the apple in twilight stands for the forbidden fruit.  Its red like blood and the person holding it is white.  So maybe something like the apple represents Bella who is the forbidden fruit to Edward.

    I think the flower in new moon stands for Bella being delicate and breakable, the colors are also red and white but together this time.  I think  that's because Edward is wanting to protect her.

    I think the ribbon in eclipse stands for how the story is tying all the characters and their lives together.  Jacob, Bella, and Edward.

    I think the chess pieces in breaking dawn represent..  well maybe Bella is the red Pawn piece and Pawns usually get taken by the king or queen piece the white piece.  Maybe that represents her becoming a Vampire.  It might also have some meaning to the rest of the book where they had to strategize about the Volutri attacking.

    This is just an opinion..

  5. it means new moon

  6. the apple represents how edward and bellas love is forbidden like the forbidden apples that adam and eve ate

    the rose is actually a ruffled tulip but it doesnt meann anything

    the ribbon represents how bella cant sperate completely from her humanity and how she is torn between edward and jacob

    the red pawn represents bella as a human; shes weak and the most useless player on the team(or atleast she feels that way about herself) and the white queen is bella as a vampire; shes strong and the most valuable chess peice

  7. look it up on her web site go to newmoon and then go to FAQ or something

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