
What does the diffent kinds of monarchy mean??

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What does the diffent kinds of monarchy mean??




  1. Well I know 2 off top of my head.

    Absolute monarchy is where King/Queen has absolute power over all aspects of the nation and any other governmental body exists solely at the pleasure of the monarch

    Constitutional Monarchy is where monarch is part of a delineated government with other branches of government, each with it's own area of authority and checks to the monarch's power+areas of control

  2. There's such a thing as absolute monarchies, where the King is the government, and that's usually in the Middle East and Africa (where they still have a lot of tribes). And there's constituttional/parlimentary monarchies which are the modern ones like in the UK (where it started), and other European and Asian countries. This is where the monarch is a just a figurehead and pr representative for the country and various charities. And also in those types of monarchies they have a parliment or a constitution that gives the country a law enforcing government.

  3. What do you mean? What different kinds are there?

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