
What does the e111 get you if you fall ill in spain?

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What does the e111 get you if you fall ill in spain?




  1. E111 no longer exists - it's now a EHIC form - European Health Insurance Card

  2. You will receive all the treatment you would receive from the NHS in the UK. The main difference is that the NHS where I am in Spain is better than in the UK. They even have a NHS dentist!  

    You must have a card and passport as identification or you will be expected to pay.

    With the card, there is no need for medical insurance.

    In an emergency, you will get all the attention you require.

    You can have some difficulty with the receptionists, and sometimes the doctors, if you can't speak Spanish (or English!).

    Another point to note is that they may call out your middle name, not your surname, and mispronunce it so badly you may have difficulty recognising it. So pay attention when waiting!

    I am not surprised that the card is called an E111 in the deep South. My Catalan mates always tell me that they are a backward bunch down there ( in this case 2 years!).


    (You just don't know what may happen).

    Have a great holiday!

  3. The form E111 has not been valid for the last two years.

    You must get a European Medical Card. The application form is available from your Post Office and they don't cost anything. Allow a couple of weeks between posting your application and delivery of your card.

    You need one each (i.e. it's not a "family" thing).

    The card entitles you to emergency medical and dental treatment in any EU country.

    This treatment does have some limits (for example, they will re-set your broken bones and they won't let you die, but they may charge you for a stomach pump if you get drunk) and you may have to pay for drugs. Not all GPs accept the card at their local surgery.

    The conditions are too complicated for this Forum but the leaflet with the card gives quite comprehensive details. It is a valuable doument and you should get one and carry with you at all times when travelling in the EU.

    The EU Medical Card is verification that you are an "NHS Subscriber" and it entitles you to reciprocal free treatment in an EU hospital or (some) General Practices.

    Without the card you have no evidence of paying into the NHS (your "stamp"). Keep it paper-clipped to your passport.

    Just being a British passport holder is not good enough.

    You will not get "free" treatment anywhere if you do not carry you card. Being in pain and yelling at the foreign doctor's receptionist when you get a bill will not do any good (and may get you arrested).

    This is a very important point and I can't emphasise it enough.  

    Get one and enjoy your trip to Spain.

  4. i think it gets you most medical treatment, but i don,t think it,s called that any more. You have to get  card now

    read this i can,t be bothered to read it but it should help

  5. emergency medical treatment and occasionally follow up treatment

  6. Its a card but still called E111 it means that you can get the same treatments under the same conditions as the locals.

    Don't know about Spain but in France you get a prescription from the doc and pay him for the consultation. He gives you a form and the prescription. You pay the chemist and he gives you another form. You take these forms with your copy of the prescription to th local social security office and eventually you'll get some of your money back.

    How much depends on what but its the same as the local get.

    Without an E111 you get nothing and could have trouble getting treatment.

    Its proof that you are entitled to treatment under EEC rules.

  7. I work as a translator at the Doctors and in the hospitals around the Costa del Sol, so can only comment for this area. The card is still known here as an E111, and must be carried by each member of your party. When this is presented you must also present your passport and a photocopy. The card entitles you to see a Doctor either at the local surgery and/or the local National Health Hospital. If you have a genuine emergency you will be treated for whatever time is necessary i.e. if you need a bypass after a heart attack you will be treated until fit to be discharged from hospital. You will be treated for self inflicted probelms, but not as quickly and not as courteously!

    The health service here is excellent but do have your card and passport with you.

    Enjoy your holiday and I hope you don't need to use your E111!

  8. get it from your local doc before you come out and if you have an accident and need to go to the hospital, you wont be charged.  Very Handy to have!!

  9. Translatorinspain is absolutely correct in what they have written.

  10. it entitles the bearer to the same medical treatment in Public hospitals that they would get in their own country within the EU.  Its now a small wallet sized card which lasts for about 5 years.

  11. If you have the E1 11 health card it entitles you to medical attention however,  I think I'm right in saying, it doesn't include repatriation.

    You can visit the hospital A&E show your card and you will be processed the same as the  Spanish...interviewed by the doctor and filtered to the appropriate doctor and treatment.

  12. Whatever they call it now, it proves you are an EU citizen and entitles you to NHS type medical assistance

  13. With the card that replaces the e 111 you get the same treatment as a resident of the country that you are in

  14. Free emergency treatment at Hospital or at the Doctors. It's the equivalent of the treatment you would get in the UK without having to pay.

  15. free emergency treatment at one of their NHS equivalent hospitals or doctors otherwise you have to pay.  make sure you have one ; I forgot mine and would have had to pay for treatment if I hadn't managed to get proff faxed through from Newcastle.  However, it does not cover you for private doctors/hospitals/clinics.

  16. It will cover you for emergency medical treatment, but its still wiser to have travel insurance too;

  17. One thing to note: the EHIC is for visitors making a short trip - it does not cover anyone resident in Spain. This means they have been there 183 days or more, nothing to do with signing anything, and although pretending to be a holidaymaker using an EHIC you may get attention in an A&E department in a hospital, you may get a bill, which could be substantial. It should be noted that although the Spanish Health system is very good, it does not have the care in depth of the UK system - very little physiotherapy, no continuing care for stroke victims etc, and so far very poor mental health care.

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