
What does the electricity power in a microwave that generates the microwaves?

by Guest57677  |  earlier

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Hi, for school we have to choose a machine of any kind, and make a report about how it works, what it needs, what it provides, etc. I'm doing my project on a microwave and wikipedia provides me with all the information i need, but i can't find what the electricity actually powers that generates the microwaves. Can someone tell me please? Thanks




  1. The device which generates the microwaves is a magnetron.

  2. The magnetron is the tube in an RF circuit, that is running a small transmitter. The inside of a microwave oven is part of the 'tuned circuit' of the transmitter. When things are placed in the oven, they interrupt the TUNED circuit, and cause heat, with standing waves. It actually de-tunes the magnetron frequency, creating heat in whatever is placed in the oven. It is properly 'tuned' when the oven is empty. The frequency of the radio circuit in a microwave oven is around 2 Gigahertz. These fast moving electrons heat the items. Not too good on things like potatoes, since they also dry up moisture in products. They actually heat from the center which gets the hottest..(The middle of the potato would be hotter than the outside.)



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