
What does the fact that less then half of the people in the Unitied States believe in Evolution say about our?

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School System, and culture, in general?




  1. It says that more than a few children were left behind.

  2. Evolution is a theory, not a law. Why? Because it has massive holes in it.

    The first and most massive hole in the theory of Evolution is how life began. life can not spontaneously exist. There is no way for random chemicals to evolve into life. This has been proven by science, but is conveniently not taught in schools.

    Another massive hole is the missing links. Where are they? Not the fossils, the live ones. According to evolution, they can survive better than monkeys, and yet monkeys are still alive. So how come there are monkey and humans, but no missing links? If Evolution were correct, we would be surrounded by them. Think about it: evolution is a slow process, so there must be thousands of generations of each step along the way. This means millions of individual beings. Every one of them better at surviving than a monkey. And yet somehow we are surrounded by monkeys and not a single missing link survived? Not 1? And this doesn't just apply to humans and monkeys, it applies to every species. We should be surrounded by living missing links of every species. We aren't. That is a very very big hole in the theory of evolution.

  3. It says that more than half the people in the United States believe that we are a little too smart to have evolved from apes.

  4. Yo, Aegis of Freedom, if evolution doesn't work, how does HIV kill people?  The answer is that HIV mutates prolifically, and the mutations that have resistance to drugs survive.  That's how your ancestors came out of the primordial gunk, and why a monkey is your uncle.

    Half the people in this country do not believe in evolution because they pay more attention in church than they did in school.   There was a time when this country was enthralled by science and technology.  Now it's just not Christian to believe in science or technology.  It's OK.  India and China are eager to take our place as inovation leaders of the world.

  5. It shows that far too many people believe in obviously unsupported methods of human creation, and that rather than understanding a method with evidence behind it they want to simply buy into that belief.  It tells me that the scientific community is somehow seen as less important than the religious ones in society, which is kind of sad.  Oh, and in response to your first respondant, "way too smart to evolve from apes" has nothing to do with it.  Especially considering that our brains evolved over time and thus we became more capable of doing certain things than apes, there's no flaw in that belief.  There is a flaw in the belief that we all of a sudden appeared here.

  6. It says that if they can teach evolution, they can teach about the creation theory as well.

  7. It means that sometimes having such a crappy educational system isn't too bad.. Of course its probably hard to teach a science that can't explain the beginning of creation without mentioning its creator..

  8. They don't scare me nearly as much as all the ones who still think communism works.

  9. It says many people are more emotional than logical.  I think those numbers will shift dramatically over the next 20 - 25 years as the population changes.

  10. What is not to believe?

    Just use the Evolution formula:

    something happened

    a lot of time passed

    something else happened

    Make up anything you want, just apply the formula and no one will question your conclusion.  How could they, how could it be disproved?  Besides they do it all the time on TV and in books.

    As in "The King Has No Clothes", anyone caught questioning Evolution will be punished.

    And as in "The Wizard of Oz", do not look behind the curtain:  In over 100 years the missing link has not been found.

    See, what is not to be believed?

    Only thing missing is "happily ever after".

  11. they don't call it brainwashing for works, and those who exploit the religious have known this for millenia.  h**l, just look at the tobacco companies.  what  do they do to sell their killer the young and innocent,  because they will believe anything that comes from an adult.  but the good news is that the other forty eight or so percent of our population has it right!  someday, we will be in the what if it takes another couple of hundred years.

  12. it shows that more than half the united states has or is getting close to having the correct answer. school systems teach evolution (unless you go to a private Christian school) which means that most people even though taught evolution choose to believe creationism

  13. Not much that's terribly flattering sorry.

    I am a fervent adherent of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Another US Intelligent Design derived concept. Ramen brother.

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