
What does the fox tail represent on women dressed medievally?

by  |  earlier

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I have to wear one, so I would kinda like to know ;)




  1. It means you are Upper Class because only rich people hunted Foxes

  2. Means she's up for a fox. (Ha,ha! Sorry, don't know.)

  3. its means belonging to a royal family or so......


    i m just guessing so dont take it seriously......

  4. They like it doggy style

  5. That's a modern contrivance for Renaissance has no historical basis and is only meant to be a cute costume adornment.

  6. its also where the term came from foxy foxy lady

  7. In England, fox fur was not worn by royalty in medieval days.  Foxes were abundant and were hunted frequently and were therefore more available as a fur ornament for clothing.  Royalty had higher standards -- for instance, only Royalty were permitted to wear clothes trimmed with ermine.   Lesser Nobles and members of the Court wore clothing trimmed with fox and otter.   I don't believe there was a spiritual reason -- it was simply a fashion statement of the times.

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