
What does the french word çava mean?

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What does the french word çava mean?




  1. What up?

  2. How are things going?

  3. There should be a space between the first a and the v.  With a question mark it means"how are you"  you can then answer ca va.  Which means "fine"

  4. It's actually two words, as in "comment ca va?" which means "how's it going?"

  5. It literally means "That goes" but is used in the context of "how are ya?" m the simple response is to answer "Ca va" with your intonation (sound of voice) going down on the "va".  You can also answer by simply saying "bien", which means "well".

    If you want to be really impressive you can add "et toi?" which means "and you?"


    X) Ca va?

    Y) Ca va, et toi?

    x) oui, ca va.

    x) how's it going?

    y) not bad, and you?

    x) yeah, not bad.

    Good luck

  6. it's two words and it literally means "it goes"  like we say "how's it going"   It's used to ask how someone is feeling or doing.  You can respond with "oui, ça va" or "je vais bien"   to say you are doing good.

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