
What does the future hold for older Americans as the society itself grows older? For younger Americans?

by Guest44845  |  earlier

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What does the future hold for older Americans as the society itself grows older? For younger Americans?




  1. Poverty and starvation, economic downturns and lack of necessities.

  2. The society will take care of itself. Do not listen to alarmists most of the time. there are a lot of working hands in the United States and I believe the social security system will be improved.

  3. Chaos.

  4. if we end up wuth another republican adm. young and old will be starving and homeless.

  5. older people are not even retiring anymore they cannot afford it, the years that they worked hard and unforgiving,now they can barely get medicare,their social security income is nothing, even though they earned so much more, they are raising their kids,kids.And if they were in the military forget it,even if they served thirty years for their country,there country thinks that they dont owe there "servants" anything.

    Now for younger generations.We are ******,no social security,no health insurance when we get older,education forget we cannot afford it. Jobs what you mean we have to leave home and take care of ourselves,no one is making enough to even pay rent,and guess what they did graduate high school and college.

    Hopefully someone rockin' will come in and change the mess that was made because we need a miracle.

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