
What does the goddess Juno look like?

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How would you describe her appearance?




  1. Just google "Roman Juno Images" -- you 'll get roman statures, paintings from across several centuries.  She is oftten enthroned, holds or has her symbol (a peacock) close beside her.  She may be seated with her husband, Jupiter.

  2. Juno is the 'Queen' goddess in Roman mythology - married to Jupiter (they would be the equivalent of Hera and Zeus in Greek mythology).  As a regal figure Juno would be probably be depicted with a crown and long, possibly purple robes - purple was the colour of the highest nobility in Rome.  She would also probably be more mature in her appearance but still beautiful as she could also be seen as a mother goddess figure.

  3. Juno was an individual household deity, so she looks like you, but the perfect you. Genius is the male's version of Juno in ancient Roman society. Each man has a higher Genius and each woman a higher Juno.

  4. Homer called her Greek Equivalent Hera "cow eyed" so she was thought of as having large dark eyes by the ancients.

  5. Regal

    Flowing gowns

    Crowned with gold and holding her staff of office.

  6. Juno was sister and wife of "Giove" Juppiter..she was patron of marriage and sons..Many time she was painted while she was suckling

    her babies ( I don't know how to say in english when a mather give  her milk to a baby)..For a picture look here >>

    She was fat and tall...Big woman.. from Francis- town of Florence - Italy

    The site don't open with Yahoo..but with Mozilla Firefox..

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