
What does the government do for you if you are 17 and pregnant and have no place to go?

by  |  earlier

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i live in minnesota and am due march 25th and i don't have any where to go my moms house is too small for me my first son and my soon to be newborn...please don't be snide or rude its a simple question...will give best answer and report people who are being hurtful and mean or caddy




  1. why not try PROTECTED s*x????

    if you can't afford 1 than how can you expect to support 2

    how about getting the father involved???? he has a responsibility for supporting them... you need to go after him

    and not expect the tax supporters to support you and yours....

    if you can't then why not let a family that can as in adoption????

    don't mean to be mean hun , but kids like you guys never seem to think before you act, bothers me greatly, then you expect taxpayers to foot the bill,  and thats not right...  

  2. Stay at your moms.

    I'm not saying this to be rude, because frankly what you do is your business, not mine, but...

    Do you understand that it's not the government's job to take care of you? Everyone elses taxes go to pay for WIC and low income housing and all that, that means that me and everyone else in America is footing the bill for you if you go that route... so if you have a place to go then go there. Otherwise you are just wasting people's money. That's just my opinion on the right thing to do.

  3. Start with the welfare office and the WIC office. I'm sure ppl at the welfare office could try to get you into low income housing. Best of luck.

  4. I personally think the government should be taking away children born to high school students, not providing for the mother and the child, especially not a second child born to a teen mother who can't support it.  Teens need to learn that babies require money, and in order to have money you need a full time job, and not a minimum wage paying job.  If the government keeps providing free childcare and food stamps and wic to teens and others who have kids they can't care for, then more teens and more people who can't provide for kids will be having multiple children and people who work hard for their money and work hard to support their family will be paying taxes so teens can sleep around and have kids the government will support.  But to answer your question, the government will give food stamps, wic and subsidized childcare to teens who sleep around and have kids they can't provide for, and most of these teens will never graduate high school and therefore never get a job that can support their kids, so the government will take care of you forever.  Does it help you sleep at night knowing that everyone around you who works so hard is doing it so you and your children can live well without working for it? if not, it does make the government feel a lot better.  So yes the government will help you (for the rest of your life), no they shouldn't, and yes they should take children away from teens who sleep around and can't provide for their kids on their own, and no you don't have to worry about graduating high school , or going to college, or getting a good job, because the government will use everyone else's money to provide for you and your children.

  5. You can apply for assitance. Medicaid, Wic, Housing...etc. If you qualify they can help you. They can also help with child care expenses so you can work. Which you should do even if it is part time if you are in school. Since you said you have no where to go I assume you aren't with the father so I would def. go to the courthouse, sign up with the child support office for 25 bucks and they will make sure you recieve child support from the father or fathers of your children. If you are with him, then he needs to be making sure that he is working and supporting you and the kids. Good luck!

    Added: If you are married then your husband needs to work so that you DO have a place to go. If one job won't cut it then he needs to get 2. People do it all the time. Once the baby comes and you are able to go back to work, he work one shift and you work the other so someone can stay home with the kids and you wont have to pay a sitter. My husband and I did that for 2 years. Not exactly what we wanted to do, but when you have a family to support, you do what you have to do. You can't rely on the government.  If you are both able bodied and can work then you should.   I say work as much as you can now, get yourself a place, save your money for when the baby comes. It won't be easy but if you work hard everythig will be fine.

  6. Call VP Palin!!!!!!

  7. Unless your parents have kicked you out of the house, you belong at their house.  As a minor, unless your mother calls child protective services to pick you up, you stay with her, at her house, regardless of the amount of room or not.  

    If your mother calls CPS to have you picked up, you will be placed in a foster home and your son will more than likely be placed in a foster home as well (and usually not the same one as you).  Unless you can prove that you can take care of yourself with a job and apartment, they will take your son from you.

    Your mom's place is the best place for you right now if you want to maintain custody of your son and the new baby once it's born.

    Best of luck!



  8. I don't know if you have a Birthright in your area or not but they should be able to help you out.  Go to for more info.

  9. your mom is not kicking you out, why don't you stay. Trust me, it will be wayyyy better than staying in any shelter.

    is there really no possible way to make room for you and your babies?

    Take the first answerers advice, good luck.

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