
What does the government do to manipulate the energy playing field?

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What does the government do to manipulate the energy playing field?




  1. The government was requiring power companies to curb emissions by an increasing amount by certain time lines, and this was costing power companies billions of dollars.  This was put into place by previous presidents in the past.  One was the clean air act, and another is called the Kyoto protocol.  Since president Bush has been in office, he has single handedly ended the restrictions on power companies that both the Kyoto protocol and the clean air act had tried to enforce, in order to make it cheaper for power companies to keep running.  He, and many republicans, tried to debunk global warming so that it would be easier to back out of these restrictions, and this would make it more profitable for the big power companies.  This is just a couple of ways the government has manipulated the energy playing field.

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