
What does the government really need money for?

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What does the federal government of the US really need up to probably 40 or 50% of our money? Besides military and roads. I mean, what is sucking up all this money?




  1. Government is somewhat like the mafia, except they cloak themselves in a veil of legitimacy.  The mafia offers you "protection" which means they won't break your legs or burn down your store so long as you pay them.  Government won't throw you into a prison where you will get raped, or shoot you, so long as you obey their rules and pay them.  They pretend to protect you with the millitary, which just stirs up international hatred with adventurism and occupation, and the police who mostly harass you to see if you are smoking weed or speeding and fill out some paperwork if you are robbed or killed.  Government is a bunch of men and women pretending to protect you, but actually who are just exploiting and robbing you.  They suck up your money to reward their friends and punish their enemies.   Government can spend your money to enrich themselves with no accountability.  Sure they say you can vote them out, but another gang of theives is lined up to take their place in every election.   A common thug with a knife at your neck can steal the money you have in your pocket, but only government can steal half your earnings for a year at gunpoint and then claim it's for your own good.

  2. Go to and check it out. There are better sites, but that gives you a good overall view of where the money comes from (individuals is the number one source) and where it goes (SSA, VA, military, infrastructure, welfare (especially to the 13,000,000 ILLEGALS who get FREE medical care, housing subsidies, etc.), research, CDC, tornadoe chasers, hurricane watchers, etc., etc. Of course, also controlling the trucks on our nation's highways, controlling airplanes, tranes, busses, ships; import/export, inspection of everything electrical, foodstuffs, medicines, drinks, water, sewage, the clothes you wear, the bedding on your bed, paints, etc., etc., etc.)

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