
What does the government say a human life is worth?

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I was watching the O'Reilly Factor and it said a Government Agency says a human life is worth 6.9 million dollars...down 7.9 from last year. Where did they get that statistic?




  1. This is an example of Mr. Spin man changing a story that apposes his agenda and spinning it to support his views.

    The value of Human Life is used in cost benefit analyses an example would be if it cost $10,000,000 per year to require passenger side air in all automobiles but would only save $8,000,000 worth of lives it would not be a recommended requirement. When drawing up regulations, government agencies put a value on human life and then weigh the costs versus the lifesaving benefits of a proposed rule.

    The reason the Bush administration has reduced the value of life is to avoid reducing pollution.

    Run a search for ( EPA value of Human Life ) for information on this.

  2. $66,000.00

  3. My guess is that it's an estimate of how much in taxes the average person pays in their lifetime.

  4. Some deranged bean counter thought it up.  The figure is meaningless, as is every word that comes from O'Lie-lly's mouth!

  5. It's a statistical probability and it differs per age, s*x, and living conditions.  Nationality changes probability also. Not sure what study O'REILLY was using.  Probably National debt per individual.  These studies are what determines if a car should be recalled.  For instance Ford makes a truck and the ignition on some causes engine fires...the STATISTICIANS needs to determine how often this occurs, how many people may die, and what the lawsuit settlements would amount to.  The number determines if it's cheaper to recall the car and fix the problem, or let it ride and pay off a few deaths.  It's actually interesting, but seldom beneficial to the individual.

  6. basically they add up every dollar the united states has in its gross national product..then they divide it by the number of american citizens..the government values every life from bill gates to yourself evenly ( in this situation)...they caluclate this every couple years...last time they calculated it there was less people in america and more money floating around in credit, home loans, etc etc...i also watched the program you saw this statistic on

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