
What does the holacust have in common with the united nations?

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candian history




  1. mm I'd say the UN fosters holocaust(s)/genocides against weak states/people when they do not compy with the policies of those who pay the UN budget. UN, in other words, legitimizes invading other countries and killing their people in the name of... can't remember anymore...

  2. Pretty much nothing.  The UN was created after WWII and the holocaust were all over with.

  3. Holocaust is not permitted by the United Nations to happen because it is a human rights violation.

  4. The holocaust gave birth to the United Nations.   The UN found a home for the survivors in Israel...and now they are not so supportive.   Go figure.  Ironic as it may become the end of the doesn't seems to have much support as they are NOT curbing genocide which seems to be everywhere...not accomplishing  goals and the US is now $800 MILLION  dollars in debt to the UN, that's just OUR portion of the bill...Americans are wanting accountability for that humungus bill they are expected  to pay.  It's time for a re-examination of their policies and ask why they are NOT effective.   Americans don't want anyone suffering from genocide...but we can't do it alone.

  5. Um, they both contain the Letter A???

  6. or for that matter Canadian history.

    One has nothing to do with the other.

  7. A definition of genocide was recorded in The Geneva Conventions and was listed as something The U.N. must prevent from happening again. Problem is the term has been misused  for political purposes nowadays unlike Holocaust which is clear case of genocide. Other genocides like the one Kymer Rouge are accused of are problematical for reason U.S. announced intention to stop Communism in Asis then accuse a Communist organisation of genocide against people who wanted their nation to be Communist in the first place. A person has to wonder what people are doing to accept the view Communists are guilty when U.S. policy had shown such a bias against Communism. It would seem genocide claims should be against The U.S. . Further more   the defination of genocide starts off with ''The destruction or intent to destroy in entirety or part any national or ethnic group. The intent of U.S. was to change goverments and stop Communism. So  accusations could be made against U.S. as well if it wishes to play games with this word. Genocide is very serious not to be thrown about for political use so people who use it for propaganda purposes should be carefull.

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