
What does the last name Torres mean?

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What does the last name Torres mean?




  1. Torres, in Spanish (is a common family name there) and in Sardinia, Italy, in areas were Catalan (a language close to Spanish spoken in Catalonia)is spoken  means literally "towers" , like the Italian Sardinia's harbor of "Porto Torres" (Towers' harbor).

    You may check just passing it in any translator from Spanish.

    Bulls is said  "toros" from toro, like in the plaza de toros (where the corrida is made) and not "torres" , from "torre" tower.

  2. torres = bull = taurus

  3. the last name torres means ''towers,'' it isn't a very common last name to have, my last name is torres. from what i heard, most people that have the name are directly from spain. is your last name torres? maybe we are related. lol.

  4. In Catalan it means 'towers'. It's the surname of Catalunia's premiere vintner and Torres wines are sold all over the world...

    Catalunia is a Spanish province in the North East of Spain. The capital of Catalunia is Barcelona and Catalunians are proud to be Catalunians! Franco tried to repress their independent spirit but he didn't have a chance...

    It's a fine surname!

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